Add Hue Motion Sensor to App

I was hoping to do Zwave shade automation via Hubitat using the lux sensor of my Hue sensors as a condition.

Couldn't the check for status be configurable like Home Assistant - Fixing slow Hue motion sensors in Home Assistant using Node-RED?

That's not Home Assistant; that's a community modification. You can see in the article you linked to what the main Home and developer had to say about this idea--and why they didn't do it:

He is, in my opinion, correct, and his recommendation is the same as the above (use Zigbee directly instead). Even a 5-second polling interval on a Hue Bridge would make me nervous, but Home Assistant can do that. Hubitat's interval actually is configurable, as you suggest--just only down to 10 seconds (probably still reasonable but a bit faster than I prefer to poll mine, and Hubitat's default and suggested interval is 1 minute). There's no reason sensor data couldn't come through in this manner regardless of polling interval, but I'm guessing Hubitat isn't doing it because it would be a (variably) bad experience. A community integration could do this, but I wrote one and chose not to do it at the moment for the same reasons (also don't have any sensors on Hue). You could modify it if you wanted. [EDIT: I actually added this in v3.0 of my integration, but it's still subject to the limitations of the Hue API regarding polling and whatnot, so I would not rely on it for motion automations. But the data is there, including that plus temperature and lux, if you understand the tradeoffs...]

What Hue would really need to make this work well is the ability to "push" changes instead of just relying on polling, sort of like Hubitat's MakerAPI (similar in concept) can.

I can definitely see the issue here. makes valid points about she who must be obeyed.

I am running different Home Automation tools, I use Hue to run lighting, which is 95% automated in the Hue Hub using Motion Sensors.

I have multiple other hubs running specifics, and I use Indigo to rule them all.

That way there is built in resilience.

I am hoping to offload Heating and Hot Water off Indigo and have it run independently and look at ways to have Indigo provide oversight, with the possibility that I buy another Hubitat to take over form Indigo, maybe, if Hubitat can.

The response detection to Motion Events in Indigo through the Hue App is so fast that I can have a Hue Motion Detector 'see' motion and turn on the Hue spot lights and Indigo turning ZWave devices on so fast that no one has noticed there are disparate systems at play.

So while the limitations of the Hue API are apparent they don't need to really interfere with HA.

This is disappointing. I get the reason to pair the sensor directly, but there are cases that it needs to be shared. Has this changed at all?

It hasn't.