Add External Antenna on Zooz Zen16?

I'd like to put the relay in a metal box.
Any chance of hooking up an external antenna?

Not sure about the antenna, but let me go back one step - why use a metal box?

I ask, because I am currently using the Zen16 outdoors in a weatherproof (polypropylene?) enclosure. If there isn't a specific reason to use metal, then you can save a lot of headaches.


I was toying with inside of a generator enclosure. Waterproof box could also work, but more obvious.

Understood. I am not anxious to tear mine apart to check the internal antenna, so it may be worth asking @agnes.zooz if there is an accessible antenna connection.
[insert disclaimers here regarding warranty, safety, and liability]

On a related note, it looks like Zen16 is on sale this week, so less of a financial hit if you try it and fail :slight_smile:

This is what I use for my ZEN16. Works well.

Thanks. I probably am now leaning towards a weatherproof box vs. disassembly and experimentation...maybe. Thanks for the tip on the sale.

A little different device, but I mounted my generator monitor (raspberry pi) inside a plastic project box and mounted it to the outside of the generator with magnets.

It was easier to run the wire outside rather than futz with an external antenna.

Yeah. I should get the genny in Spring. Just thinking about it. With the Generac, there's no oem (stock) way to shut it off and on from inside the house, say when it's storming out or snow, etc. I'm trying to get around that, and still have a warranty. This way, vs. at the ATS, might save running wires and be low profile.

Again, just thinking about it.

My enclosure supposedly will be aluminum.

Look at the excellent Genmon project instead of "hacking" in a Zooz relay.

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I've looked at it. Seems you can't shut it down when there's no utility power. Supposedly.

No, I don't think Genmon can do that. I've never tried anyway. But you don't want to kill the generator that without a proper shutdown procedure. Just blindly shutting off the generator can cause many issues with the generator as well as creating voltage spikes that kill computers and appliances.

Here is what my manual says about shutdown. Note the procedure of flipping the breaker on the generator, AND the main on your breaker panel, which you cannot do other than by hand.

I realize that. I'm just trying to do this while I'm at home, to avoid going outside and 'shlepping' around to the side of the house. Easy enough to manually shed load at the house panel. Broadband where we live goes down on loss of power. Cell coverage hangs on, for a few days, I think.

I think autonomous might be the way to go, when (far) away from home: just run enough to protect the place from freezing, and not run out of propane or blow up the genny from lack of oil.

Still, have to find a way to shed load when on gen power, but might be possible with some rewiring of transfer switch.

Depending on a home automation system for this might not be a good idea though.

Frankly, that sounds like a terrible idea. I have done lots of hacks and modifications in my time, but playing with a generator transfer switch goes way beyond what I would suggest anyone do. And I suspect any electrician you consult would say the same thing.

You are talking about hundreds of volts and maybe up to 100 amps of current. That can cause some serious arcs if turned off sorta randomly.

Again, you are going to wreck a lot of very expensive stuff if you just start randomly flipping switches and so on. That is why they make it hard to do, and don't want this automated.

I think you need to rethink this whole thing.

That would only be if attempting some off site remote thing.

I'm just trying to work it so that I can turn it off and on while I'm at the site, shedding load manually at the breaker. Not too much to ask. Cummins has it.

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