Add Battery % to Lock Tile in Dashboards

@patrick Please add battery % status to the lock tile in a future dashboards update.


(not to thread hijack - but on the Temperature template too, please? :smile:)


Can you set a dimmer level based on battery percentage? I never tried, but if you could (not denying that feature of battery percent shouldn’t be added to dashboard), that would work by displaying a virtual dimmer level wouldn’t it?

You probably already know about the device watchdog app but just in case....

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Also under the "Hide Tile Template Names" (I like this feature for the entire dashboard but can't use it because it eliminates the attribute names) in the options Since each tile is a separate attribute from the same device this cannot be fixed by changing the device name.

Well THAT woke me up. :slight_smile:

What color is that? Florescent Pumpkin?


HA you're welcome, ya I try to have a bit of variety....

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Halloween HELLo

Super Tile will put all these on one or more tiles for you.
like this...

or this...

The attributes can come from one device or many...

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Can you show battery percentage m?

On a Super Tile?
You can show any device attribute..

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Awesome! :+1:t2:

Something like this..
This has only one device to test..

You should note that the reading will be 'null' until the device reports in..

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After a few mins...


Obviously, you can play around with positioning, font size, colour etc
I just quickly threw this together to show you

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Appreciate the advice Andy, the purpose of this post was more towards providing a list of "features requested" for future Dashboard upgrade releases.

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@patrick any chance adding battery % to the lock tile on the dashboard could be an upcoming addition?


I was going to start a new thread asking for battery percentage on the dashboard icon of door locks but searched first and found this already requested. I miss this feature that my Vera had and worked well for door locks. Since it doesn’t seem Patrick Stuart is with Hubitat any longer can is it possible someone else at Hubitat can add this feature? It would be much appreciated.

I checked and Vera seems to show battery percent for pretty much every z-wave device that runs on batteries such as door/window sensors water sensors, thermostats etc. See attached.

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+1. I setup my hubitat today and was surprised that i needed an entire tile just to see the battery level on my kwikset smart door lock. Please add this to the lock tile.

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Agreed. This would be very helpful!!



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