Add a RM REMARK line?

Bruce (@bravenel) ,

Could you please consider adding a REMARK line option to RM?

In other-world programming, REM and * are code execution designation to ignore processing that line of code. Theoretically, per my noobness, this would be similar to adding an internal code log message.

If turning a line of code on/off via a REM type option is too much effort, please consider adding an REM type option that permits simple code comment.

In my case, my GEP-NET cancer puts me in a dubious too soon to gone mode. I'd like to "leave" a better internal definition of my effort in RM. It would be helpful to have a way to comment my RM code, so the next person can have idea what the code is supposed to be doing.

This could also help others with coding examples shared to the community. Posted code examples frequently have follow-on posts asking what's that do or what are you trying to do. Having the ability to comment the code in the rule could help circumvent this.

Thank-you for RM4.0, your support, and consideration.


You could use log action for that purpose? Or the notes section of the rule? log action would put it right where you wanted it.

Granted. And that has merit and indirect usefulness. I've admitted bias to programing language use. There's subtle distinct difference to what I ask for here versus log action and/or adding rule notes.

What I ask for is a direct means of designated non-executing comment in the code. In programming languages this is efficiently done via putting coding symbol like REM or * at the beginning of that line of code.

Inline code comment permits review without execution. There's also the benefit such designation has when testing-developing the code (assuming an add/remove REM capability).

For example, I'm presently gnashing through run custom action, run custom action, music player, [selected Sonos music player] where two "PlayTrackAndRestore" custom commands list. One takes two parameters, the other one takes one parameter. The one that takes two parameters bombs when not given two parameters. The one that takes one parameter bombs when given two parameters. From the custom command dropdown list, it's difficult to know which is which. I cannot add/change applicable note section note when I'm drilled down inside Select Action to Run edit mode.

In dev-testing through which is which, I don't need to add log action since the same log shows when/where the wheels fly off. Adding extensive note section notes for this doesn't particularly help. An inline REMARK would help.

Pictures help. In my typical display-sized screen display, I cannot see the notes section, even after I scroll down to view that section, not all notes are visible. Here's a screen shot of a unreadable-sized screen display where I can "see" the code and notes section. I still cannot read note 6 or beyond without scrolling.

I ask because I believe there's efficient merit to having the ability to place REM in the Select Actions to Run section.

For now, set up a virtual Mobile App Device, and do Send A Message to it. It'll show up in the code as

Notify REM: 'My message here'

Like used in near every groovy app and driver code:


  • Please Note: This...

and/or this:

No. RM is not a programming language. It doesn't have lines of code. It creates a UI summary of the actions that are setup to show what those actions are, but that is not "code" in any way.

If you want to include text in actions, either use the Log action, or as suggested above, use a virtual notification device. Or, better than that, use the Notes section of the rule to write down whatever you want. For example, you could copy the UI summary of the actions and paste into the Notes section, and add any comments you want there.

Keep your automations simple.


LOL. Not so alrighty then.

Keep it simple. It's simple to put a pair of HE 2.75"FFAR on a target 1800m away, once you know how to do it. It's other than simple to slavo 14 or 38 rockets (or xyz CPU clock cycles or significantly increase the size of the UI) to accomplish the task inefficiently. A master pilot lets others accomplish tasks without fanfare and waste, not power dive into the ground.

Gunner, tank, sabot. What's backwards?

You have the controls. What do I know.

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