Add a playTone action under Control Music/Sounds?

To make the Ring Keypad play a tone via RM5.1, you need to use Run Custom Action -> Security Keypad -> playTone

Can this be exposed in a more natural way under Control Music Player, Volume, Sounds ? Maybe add a Play Tone ?

Music -> Sound Tone creates a beep action command that the keypad does not support
Music -> Play Sound creates a chime action that it doesn't support either.

I don't see another way to play the tone. I looked for any kind of playTone in the Driver Capability List but don't see any.

Well, no, as this command is specific to that device, not to the capability. What's wrong with using Custom Action? That's why it exists.

Nothing wrong with using Custom Action, just more clicks. I thought the other choices/menus were just sort-of short-cuts. But i get it now.


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