Activator Device seems loosely coupled to the device states

I have a bunch of Scenes that I have migrated. I don't want groups - I just want the lights in the rule to go to the state in the rule when I turn on the Rule Activator.

This works fine if I press the Activate button in the rule, but the Activator Device seems to stay 'on' even if the devices in the rule have changed state, so turning on the Activator Device doesn't do anything, because its already on.

Can I have the Activator Device either accurately reflect the devices in the rule matching the desired scene, or have the activator turn itself off so next time I trigger a scene it actually does what I want?

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Question for you: If you change one of the device's state outside of the Room Lights app, e.g., on its device page, does that cause the Activator to turn off? It should with the setting you have of "Indicator for Scene Set". If not, please let me know.

As for the Activator itself, it doesn't need to be off for it to function with an on command to activate your scene. It is not a normal device, and it will activate the lights even if already on.

Question for you: If you change one of the device's state outside of the Room Lights app, e.g., on its device page, does that cause the Activator to turn off? It should with the setting you have of "Indicator for Scene Set". If not, please let me know.

Not reliably. Sometimes it seems to. But most often not.

As for the Activator itself, it doesn't need to be off for it to function with an on command to activate your scene. It is not a normal device, and it will activate the lights even if already on.

That doesn't appear to be true, to me.

This could be a problem with all of those devices reporting reliably. The changes the app wants to make to the Activator for Scene Set or not depend on device events. One way you can look into this is by turning on Debug logging in the app. That will show the device responses for when they are adjusted. If a device doesn't report its state change, the app can't know it happened. I don't know if that's what's going on, but it is pretty easy to find out.

Please try this with a Logs tab open, and post a screenshot of the logs.

As an example I turned off Living Room Light with its physical button (its a Nue zigbee wall plate switch).

The state is reflected on the zigbee device page, but not in the rule or the activator.

There is an event there for "already activated" - but it's not. Or shouldn't be.

OK, we were on slightly different pages there. The Activator did its thing, but not the app. Please add the Activation Option for "Activate even if already partially Activated" and see if that corrects it.

On the other thing, the device page does not reflect whether or not the device actually reported, as in, sent the event the app is looking for. The debug logs would show whether the app gets the event.

My guess is that the app is not seeing the event that would cause it to turn off the Activator, and hence no longer be "Active". But I don't have any way to tell from what you've shown.

I'm testing this, and it does appear to be not working correctly. Investigating further...


Please add the Activation Option for "Activate even if already partially Activated" and see if that corrects it.

This is now doing what I want. Thankyou.

But it does seem a bit of a hacky workaround.

There's a bug with how it's checking scene state. Will get it sorted out for the next release.


I think I found the source of this problem. That fix will be in the next release. I'll be very interested for you to test this, and even to remove the "Activate even if already partially Activated" setting, and see if it works as expected.

There were two problems I found: One was that a device that is turned off at activation was not indicating properly that it was in fact "set" as it should be. The other was that it was not keeping track of the prior state of being active or not when deciding when it had changed from active to inactive or vice versa.

You should be aware that there is a 3 second delay from the time that final device being set is set, until the indicator (activator) will be set to the correct value. This is done so that in a scene like yours, with numerous devices, it isn't jumping up and down with each device change, but rather waiting for it to settle. Devices report in varying amounts of time, and 3 seconds should be good to cover the vast majority of cases. Just be aware of this if you go look at the indicator state before the 3 seconds have passed.


I look forward to testing it out!

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Just curious if the RL changes in update resolved this issue for you.

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