ActionTiles for C-8

Do I still need to run the beta firmware for the C-8 to get ActionTiles to Install/work?

The Actiontiles integration with Hubitat has been in beta since it was released. But I don’t know of any requirements to have beta firmware running on a hub. Actiontiles has been able to connect to my C7 for quite some time.

This make much sense?

I wanted out of the beta firmware that was required when AT was first released and would still like AT on the C8.

I think that’s saying the same thing that I’m saying.

Actiontiles is not affiliated with Hubitat. They released an integration with Hubitat but it has never come out of a beta status.

There is nothing on Hubitat’s end that requires beta firmware, or ever has AFAIK.



Can you confirm this?

Actiontiles logs into your Hubitat cloud account with an oauth connection.

There’s very little about the hub firmware version that matters there.

I don’t quite understand why this is still an unresolved question for you between the previous thread that was answered by Bobby their director of support, and this one.


Can you please point to any reference of this requirement? I think you could be remembering this incorrectly.

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That's all I have to go on.

I wanted out of the beta and they said it's not possible at this moment.

Ok then yes, you’re probably misinterpreting the responses to that thread. And perhaps my responses here too…

There’s nothing for you to enroll in or out of.

If you have an actiontiles account and choose to link it to your Hubitat account, you can do that.

The actiontiles developers designated the integration with Hubitat as “in beta” when it was first announced. That never changed, and unlike the actiontiles integration with SmartThings, there’s no subscription fee. It appears to have been essentially abandoned?

So you can choose to integrate the two, or not. It’s all done through a cloud authorization.


Here’s a screenshot of my actiontiles account’s connection to my Hubitat hub. This is on actiontiles’ end of things.

If I tap the trash can in the upper right, the connection between the two (actiontiles and Hubitat) will be removed.

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Are you just looking to know whether you can opt out of the Hubitat beta (the hub platform version betas) without affecting ActionTiles? If so, to give a direct answer: yes. Expanding on that, as mentioned above, the ability to use the ActionTiles beta (the only form in which it currently exists for Hubitat) is unrelated to that, as it is also compatible with production versions of hub firmware.


Thank you both for helping with that answer. Now I feel confident getting off the Hubitat Beta that's been causing a lot of issues for me lately (related to beta testing)

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Ah now I see. I may have misunderstood too. I thought you were trying to get rid of actiontiles. Seems @bertabcd1234 saw the question being asked better than me :slightly_smiling_face:.

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I have been using ActionTiles for Hubitat ever since it was first released in beta format. I initially used it with C-7. I migrated to C-8 and had to recreate my panels. I recently migrated to C-8 Pro and am in the process of recreating my panels, but what I have done so far works just fine.

I have never been on the Hubitat beta program.

I was hoping ActionTiles would further development and provide such things as a seamless transition of panels when upgrading to a new hub or adding new features. Unfortunately, there has been no progress in the past couple of years. However, the platform still works. I do not actively promote ActionTiles to new users due to the lack of development, but for those using already using the platform, it still proves useful.