ActionTiles coming to Hubitat apparently!

I thought it was one active hub so removing ST should free up move to HE

I remember the days before they took over that group, it was way way worse prior to that. One wrong word, and boom yr gone.

I still have my license for it, which was based on “location”. If they stick to that model, then hopefully those who bought in, won’t have to pay again.

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I guess that depends on which lawyer reads the license. It does state "for each SmartThings Location/hub" in the license. They could throw a "Hubitat" license out there and call it different. If they do include it I would test it, but not pay again.

Either way I'm all in with HE local + smartly beatification! Once we nail drag and drop tiles/sizing (it's coming for reals), why would you use anything else? I'm kidding. I'm biased. I admit it.


Yeah, I think yr right. “SmartThings location”. That’s enough I guess :wink:

Can’t wait to see that!

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ask and ye shall


No thanks, we have plenty of developers, that have a community spirit.
Maybe we should start sending bills to all the people we've given advice to or helped out?
Something about him charging really irks me, and I'll never support that


I didn't come from Smartthings, don't know him, so I can only go by his site.

I don't mind a nominal fee or occasionally donating for certain things, but his stuff seems to be pretty premium priced for what you get. Maybe it is worth that price, but I get more of a over-hyped used car ad feeling on his site than anything.

It may not have been what you suggested as the way you suggested it. I dunno I didn't see the post, but that's how it usually goes.

I'm having a hard time understanding what makes it different than what's already built into Hubitat? The screenshots make it look exactly like what is already here...

LOL, that’s actually not a bad analogy. I’m not sure what the big deal is either. RBoy has a skill I don’t, so I decided to pay for access to his site (where you can see what you’re buying before paying). If someone doesn’t think a license for his code is worth paying for, then of course one is under no obligation to pay for it.

I thought he was generally a helpful member of the ST community over the years too.


Edit: his tech support person was also very polite to interact with by email. Her name was Maddie IIRC.


It’s been quite a while since I used ActionTiles, but I remember the process of tile creation and placement on a dashboard to be much simpler than how it works with the built-in hubitat dashboard.


Something changed with them - they used to be interested in improving things, but not anymore. From a quick look at their community, there's hundreds of open feature requests and no progress. And those are just the ones they didn't outright close!

And the outage announcements are right there for anyone to see - they either blame Google or Samsung for every outage. I know SmartThings has lots of outages (that's why I'm here), but every outage can't be completely someone else's fault. It's a red flag when companies don't take ownership of things going wrong.

Compare that to what's happening here in the Hubitat community with an actual interest in user feedback and constant improvements.

I think Terry passing was a massive blow, in far more than one way.



That is really sad news.


Happened tail end of last year from memory, very sad indeed :cry:

December 16th, according to the announcement Alex made in the ST community. He may have been sick for a period of time before that, hard to tell.

AFAICT, ActionTiles was pretty much a two-person operation (or that's how it appeared for a few years in the ST forum at least).

So yeah I imagine it could have been pretty tough for them to bring their A game, possibly for quite a while before his death.


It works well and scales well (and can easily be made to look good) on just about every size device; tiles have nice features like animated icons (though I l think the selection of icons though extensive, is kind of odd and lacking things you really would expect), nice glowing/pulsing effects, rotating fan, etc. Tiles can be set with view only security, different inform/warn/alert styles, etc. All in all well thought out.

It even looks great on my Wink Relay (no other dashboard seems to support that ancient level of Android). It also is a modest one time fee. I don't want to subscribe to a dashboard service...


Not wanting to hijack this thread, but back in May we added a calibration in smartly for Wink Relay and Fire HD 7 (tested on austin, early gen). These screenshots are from the 7, using a custom calibration for forcing 2 columns wide (normally calibrates to 3) and 150% zoom (user needed readability) on portrait, running stock FireOS (Android 4.3) and we didn't seem to have any issues for the Wink Relay user either. @Sebastien had the wink, @tmichael had I think a Fire 7.

I believe the issue was more that fully kiosk browser didn't work on 4.3, not necessarily that HE dashboard had issues? Those guys will know.

Will subthread if it turns into a discussion, but wanted to get that out there!


That looks good. I was never able to get the stock HE dashboard to run on the Relay (I tried Chrome, Firefox, and Opera). It has probably been a year since I tried it, tbh.

I like using ActionTiles on the Relay because of the information density it allows on the small Relay screen; I could even get more tiles on there by scaling them a bit and it remains useable.

Kind of silly but I also like the animated icon effects (bouncing up/down arrows, animated motion icons, revolving fan, etc.). You can go nuts fine tuning the appearance (choose the radius of the tile edges, if you want them rounded, etc.). Pretty easy to make changes, too.

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