ActionTiles coming to Hubitat apparently!


oh. that is awesome.

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Will it be included or will there be a fee? I expect them to sale as two products and maybe a decent discount for both for future customers.

Cool, will be interested to see whether their more polished dashboard interface than the stock dashboard will make up for the cloud dependence.

Pretty sure it will be a paid service. AT has been a licensed addon for years now.

You mean people that already have ActionTiles, you think they will have to pay extra?

Nice. Now if we could just get rboy to come over...




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At this point it does seem silly for him not too, Once the IDE is sunset I expect the ST forum to be dead, I expect a few hubitats purchased for Christmas presents

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I wouldn't give the ActionTiles guys a dime. They're a bunch of tossers.

I was banned for suggesting Hubitat in the SmartThings Facebook group that they bought out. Ironic considering both SmartThings and Hubitat allows open discussion in their own communities. There's plenty of people in the 'other' ST group who were banned for mentioning competitive products.


I want to hear the story behind that comment

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Terry was a great guy, had many a conversation with him. I’d second wanting to hear the story.

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Your AT license was for a specific hub (the ST device), so you will likely need a new license.

My post was flagged, so I edited it to add some explanation. They had a decent product, but they weren't receptive to feedback. It was always some excuse - especially if things broke, they were quick to blame someone else.

There's plenty of good interfaces for Hubitat (including keeping it simple with the built-in dashboards and Smartly) - I'm all for more options, but no way I'd support AT.


I thought it was one active hub so removing ST should free up move to HE

I remember the days before they took over that group, it was way way worse prior to that. One wrong word, and boom yr gone.

I still have my license for it, which was based on “location”. If they stick to that model, then hopefully those who bought in, won’t have to pay again.

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I guess that depends on which lawyer reads the license. It does state "for each SmartThings Location/hub" in the license. They could throw a "Hubitat" license out there and call it different. If they do include it I would test it, but not pay again.

Either way I'm all in with HE local + smartly beatification! Once we nail drag and drop tiles/sizing (it's coming for reals), why would you use anything else? I'm kidding. I'm biased. I admit it.


Yeah, I think yr right. “SmartThings location”. That’s enough I guess :wink:

Can’t wait to see that!

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ask and ye shall