Actions Repeating occasionally

I have a rule that works perfect 99+% of the time, There is however the occasional instance where one of the actions keeps repeating itself. We get the notifications to our phone just once, however the Chime will go off several times (4 to 6) over the course of a minute or 2. It only does it once in a while, if I had to guess maybe once every 2 weeks. It's not making me pull my hair out or anything I'm just curious as to what would cause such behavior when it works perfect all other times.


Probably best to screenshot the entire rule. I'm guessing you have a Required Expression of Private Boolean True to prevent multiple triggers until the actions are complete.

Yes, this is in a chicken coop in the nesting box and they can be in there a while so we only want the notifications every 20 mins at max once we go 30+ mins without a notification we know we can go collect eggs.



As you know that it's happening occasionally I'd just switch on all logging for the rule (events, triggers, actions). Next time it happens, do a screenshot of the logs filtered to that rule starting with the trigger and hopefully it might give a clue as to what is occurring on those odd occasions where the chime is repeating.