Act Off for all devices except one

Is it possible to make the trigger "active" of the "Bathroom Douche motion sensor" turn on the Bathroom fan in this same RL?
If I add the "active" to "Means to Activates Lights" and "Act" is ON, the fan turns on when turning the light off, this is not wat I want.

Any suggestions?

This is happening because one of your means to activate is a switch turning off and that’s your bathroom light. You need to remove that means to activate. The only activation would be motion or manually turning on the fan.

Instead you want it move that to means to turn off. Doing this would turn off the fan when the light turned off.

Ok, but the fan needs to stay on for 10 min after the light was turned OFF. The light OFF is the trigger for the last Activation Event

Most likely you’ll need to use some combo of Rule Machine and Room Lightning to get this work. Via events in Hubitat, can you define when the fan should come on and when it should stay off? If so, then it is just a matter of tweaking things to read the events.

It can be solved with a simple extra rule, when motion is active turn on the Fan, but it is a combo with RL

what I miss in RL is the possibility to make a difference between Activation and a Last Activation Event
something like that, I am convinced that what I propose could be done better or differently, but it is the idea:

@bravenel , a humble proposition :-), or a better idea?

It can. You need to select the “activate even if already partially activated” option. With this option, every time a means to activate happens, it will reset your 10 minute timer.

I don't see how this can help, I tried it on several ways, but it doesn't work
It feels not logic too, I cannot choose my motion sensor under other Activation option + the motion must be able to start the fan even is nothing is partially activated

Other suggestions or instructions?

Realistically, you need to do this with a separate app. Trying to layer every possible variation into Room Lights is a losing proposition. Apps are free, just add another one that controls the fan the way you need it to be.

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You would need to rethink this Room Lighting instance. What events do you want to turn on the fan? What events do you want to turn off the fan? Then create Room Lighting to match these events. Right now, this instance is trying to cram an activate that turns on the fan with one already designed to just turn it off.

For instance, what if you remove the light switch from the means to activate altogether? Define turning on the fan either manually by the switch or the motion sensor. For means to turn off, define it as motion inactive and stays for 10 minutes or you manually turn off the switch.