We created a driver to control any AC/Heater via our IP / IR gateway. The driver works ok via Driver page, and via Dashboard. But the moment we do the link with Alexa Skill, the device gets recognized as a thermostat device, but stays at "Waiting for Hubitat". Cannot operate the thermostat from Alexa or do anything, not even see feedback.
If a command is triggered in the device in Hubitat, the LOG for Amazon Skill, shows an error.
I believe there is a capability missing, or extra that the Hubitat/Alexa integration does not like, or an attribute missing, but cannot figure what it is yet.
This is the driver for the IP/IR Gateway.
hubitat_MolSmart_GW3_IR/AC/Idoor/Hubitat_TRATO_MolSmart_GW3_IR-AC-iDoor_Driver_v2.groovy at main · hhorigian/hubitat_MolSmart_GW3_IR · GitHub -
This is the error log in Hubitat when sending any command from Hubitat:
Error making Call to Alexa message gateway: {"header":{"namespace":"System","name":"Exception","messageId":"ASRLS_4c16297d-9264-49e6-a19c-1a8eb661d390_1724023541628.0..ASRLS_4c16297d-9264-49e6-a19c-1a8eb661d390_1724023541628"},"payload":{"code":"INVALID_REQUEST_EXCEPTION","description":"Cannot read the request payload as: Cannot construct instance ofcom.amazon.iota.driver.v3.StateReportProperty
, problem: value\n at [Source: UNKNOWN; line: -1, column: -1] (through reference chain: com.amazon.iota.driver.directive.v3.MessageEnvelope$V3Builder["context"]->com.amazon.iota.driver.directive.v3.Context["properties"]->com.amazon.iota.driver.v3.StateReportPropertyArray[1])"}}
What could be the problem? Capability? Attribute? What is Amazon expecting that the driver/hubitat is not sending and keep "Waiting for Hubitat".
Is there any documentation for Hubitat Drivers and Alexa requirements or something we can refer to?