AC Thermostat Driver and Alexa Skill

We created a driver to control any AC/Heater via our IP / IR gateway. The driver works ok via Driver page, and via Dashboard. But the moment we do the link with Alexa Skill, the device gets recognized as a thermostat device, but stays at "Waiting for Hubitat". Cannot operate the thermostat from Alexa or do anything, not even see feedback.
If a command is triggered in the device in Hubitat, the LOG for Amazon Skill, shows an error.
I believe there is a capability missing, or extra that the Hubitat/Alexa integration does not like, or an attribute missing, but cannot figure what it is yet.

  1. This is the driver for the IP/IR Gateway.
    hubitat_MolSmart_GW3_IR/AC/Idoor/Hubitat_TRATO_MolSmart_GW3_IR-AC-iDoor_Driver_v2.groovy at main · hhorigian/hubitat_MolSmart_GW3_IR · GitHub

  2. This is the error log in Hubitat when sending any command from Hubitat:
    Error making Call to Alexa message gateway: {"header":{"namespace":"System","name":"Exception","messageId":"ASRLS_4c16297d-9264-49e6-a19c-1a8eb661d390_1724023541628.0..ASRLS_4c16297d-9264-49e6-a19c-1a8eb661d390_1724023541628"},"payload":{"code":"INVALID_REQUEST_EXCEPTION","description":"Cannot read the request payload as: Cannot construct instance of, problem: value\n at [Source: UNKNOWN; line: -1, column: -1] (through reference chain:$V3Builder["context"]->["properties"]->[1])"}}

What could be the problem? Capability? Attribute? What is Amazon expecting that the driver/hubitat is not sending and keep "Waiting for Hubitat".

Is there any documentation for Hubitat Drivers and Alexa requirements or something we can refer to?

I found the issue, for anyone in the future.

The problem was the "Switch" Capability in the driver. The minute we remove the "Switch"capability, and rediscovered, the Thermostat showed up ok in Alexa app with feedback.
(The truth is there is no need for the "Switch" capability to be in the Thermostat Driver as you will already turn on with any of the changes in temp/modes, and off you have already. But for some reason we had the switch there. Once removed, worked!)
Good to know :slight_smile: