About to reach home(conditionally)

Can anybody please suggest how to efficiently create a rule to do the below? I am mostly lost on the step 2.

  1. if the user presence is detected
  2. BUT only if, the user presence has been away for more than 2 hours
  3. then, turn on switch X(this is where I will turn back HVAC heat on)

Doesn't this work?

A second rule would work.

Trigger: user departed and stays that way for 2 hours
Action: Flip virtual switch to on

For your first rule, the trigger becomes user arrives (only if virtual switch is on). The final action after turning on the heat is turning off the conditional virtual switch.

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How do you handle turning off the heating?

I would do this the following way (I have some rules like this one and they work well):

User departed and stays away for 2 hours

Wait for user is present condition
Turn on switch X


I think this is lilely what has been asked for, but the interaction with turning off the heating is still a sticking point for me....

Now that I have had some sleep, I better understand this point. Depending on the rule to turn off the heat, @saurabh9 could probably combine @Sebastien’s actions to turn it back on.


The logic at least needs to work together.