I don't know if I'm missing something but it seems that it is impossible to modify a conditional action without having to erase its entire expression. Now, when expressions are long such as the one I quote below, it is a bit time consuming and, also, it becomes tempting to be less concise by adding new conditions to the list, even if it means making the whole expression kind of heavy and redundant.
ELSE-IF (( Variable openByApp(false) = false(T) AND
( Temperature of Leak Sensor Kitchen(75.12) is < DesiredTempLiving(70)-1.0(F) OR
Temperature of Leak Sensor Kitchen(75.12) is >= DesiredTempLiving(70) +7.0(F)
) OR
Temperature of Leak Sensor Kitchen(75.12) is < DesiredTempLiving(70)-6.0(F) AND
Window Living open(T) [FALSE]) THEN
Cancel Delayed Actions
Set openByApp to false
Off: Window Living
Le me know if there is a way to edit the whole action, expression by expression, such as delete only one condition, adding a new one within the parenthesis and / or above another one. I know it can be done for actions and also conditions themselves, but apparently not for conditions within actions.
Notice at the bottom of my uploaded image the Create & Manage Conditions. This is the place to make changes to your conditions. Then select edit your existing condition and when you are asked to delete your condition - do it, and select the edited version to be inserted.
Dude....I was just trying to save you the trouble of requesting something that's been requested a dozen times. But hey, if you wanna, go right ahead. Have fun.
Thank you. The shortness of the response is only in the interest of brevity. Personally, I hate long, drawn out answers when a quick one-liner will do. Plus, if I was really trying to be rude, you wouldn't have to wonder. It would be VERY obvious. If my intent was not clear, I apologize.
While I understand your request, it would be a tall order. Given that every condition in an expression can be individually edited, the task of reconstructing an expression is not a huge effort. If you erase the expression you still have all of element conditions available for use in a drop down menu to reconstruct it. The recursive nature of nested expressions doesn’t lend itself easily to in situ editing. Effectively, a request to allow editing is a request to completely redesign and reimplement expressions from the ground up, something that doesn’t rise very high as a priority.
Thank you so much @bravenel for having implemented this! This makes things a lot easier at so many levels!
Now, I'm facing what I think could be a bug (unless it's another of these days where I just can't see the obvious!). I get the error message, while editing an expression, "double operators":
Conditional Expression:
( Temperature of Thermostat bedroom(76) is > DesiredTempBedroom(74)(T) AND
Thermostat mode of AC BEDROOM heat(F)
) OR
( Temperature of Thermostat bedroom(76) is < DesiredTempBedroom(74)(F) AND
Thermostat mode of Thermostat bedroom, AC BEDROOM any cool(F)
Is this a burden, that you plan your rule before editing it? Adding Create New Condition within the current Edit Expression UI is very unlikely to happen, and really is just feature creep that brings no new functionality.
Yes this is a burden and has nothing to do with planning the edits. It has to do with the only current way to add a new condition is to select and/or to include it to your rule, only to turn around and have to delete what you added with the and/or after you are then provided the condition to place it where you actually intend for it to be.
But it's fine run your rule machine how you choose
This is not true. There is the entire section at the bottom of the Actions section where you can create and edit Conditions. So it is easy to create a new Condition, and then edit the expression to include it in the expression. Any Conditions created there do show up as options in the edit expression section, where you insert a new expression token. All of the Conditions are exposed in that bottom section, and are available to use.