A great find!

Yes, battery powered.

On dss devices battery is very much a function of radio time and # of messages. Well and battery size of course.

My mailbox one only sends 3 messages a day (heartbeat plus mailbox being opened 2x).

My fridge updates hourly.

Most of the off the shelf LoRa sensors have pretty big batteries, so life is always pretty long.

  • My fridge one will die sooner due to temp, but should be good for 2-3 years right now.
  • My mailbox one - if it stays at the same speed/radio time - should make 5+ years.

2400 mAh battery in both, though. If they were 320 mAh coin sized, well obviously life would be much less!

I am curious how long my pool pump pressure sensor will last. it updates every 5 minutes. The battery life calc spreadsheet and my measured battery data aren't agreeing. The battery data looks better than the calc spreadsheet would have led me to believe.


Yeah, I continue to be amazed by LoRa sensors. How do you integrate yours with Hubitat? Via Node-RED?


Right now LoRaWAN --> MQTT --> Node-RED. Would be very somewhat easy to write an integration to go LoRaWAN --> Hubitat though through Maler API. At least with Chirpstack, which is what I use for the lora side. Or could do lora --> mqtt --> hubitat today with Kevin's MQTT app.

Will obviously be MUCH easier to do zwave lr once available as we can just do that straight in the Hubitat C-7 hub with no man-in-the-middle. If zwave.me comes out with a Z-Uno MODULE on the 700 series chip I may even covert my stuff from LoRa back to zwave lr so I can get rid of the lora hub, but we'll see. If they only do the Z-Uno 2 (not the 'module' version) it would probably be too expensive (and big) to convert the devices from lora to zwave lr.

Although I have 30 lorawan sensors on their way from china, too... The more pre-made lora sensors I get, the less likely I am to abandon it. lol. The ones I make myself could go either way though.

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Oh, and I actually calced my battery wrong now that I looked (wrong radio wake time). I should get many years out of either. Mailbox actually calcs out at 9 years, but I doubt that.