A few UI issues

It's so exciting to see updates and changes to my favorite stuff. Here are a couple things I found while checking out the new app...

Samsung Galaxy S23
Android 14

Login screen Incorrect Password warning crashing with Welcome message:

Negative left margin on presence device selection screen:

Negative left margin on What's New screen hero image? (I'm assuming all four corners of the image are supposed to be rounded.) Also, is the balloon supposed to be clickable?

Keep up the great work!


The next release will address these issues.


While viewing the Home page in the app, if i click on the name of the connected hub, it's reporting the wrong version number of the hub firmware.

Showing when it's on a much later version.

Also, none of my new Easy Dashboards are showing in the list of available dashboards.

The new ez-dash are not available in the app right now because there are no cloud endpoints. This is in the works


About apps main page.. Welcome banner with user name and connec to hub button takes 30% of the available space. Does it need to be that big?