A few sensors not reporting events?

I upgrade to C8 not sure if that is related or not

I have few sensors that are healthy but not reporting events for some reason

I changed the batteries too

(the other ones here are battery/power issue and is expected)
why are these not working?

i know the sensors see the motion the light flashes

Try to factory reset them and then pair again. They will attach to the same device entry but you may need to set the driver again and reconfigure. Apps will still be attached.

okay ill give that try thank you could NOT figure out why a bunch of my automation stopped working lol

I just noticed they are NYCE sensors. Check out this post: [RESOLVED] NYCE devices are incompatable with C8 and any other Zigbee 3.0 coordinator

Looks like you may need to use one of the alternate pairing options to get them joined to the C-8.

wierd they rejoined jsut fine? seem to be working now (at least events are reporting)

ill keep an eye on it, thank you for the info

ahh thats what they were on my C7 before and the I upgraded the FW

To further clarify, this is currently an issue of these devices joining a zigbee 3.0 compliant network. The devices will work correctly if they were migrated from a previous zigbee network running on an older Hubitat hub.

Thats great I was just worried my advice was going to make it worse and you would not be able to pair them again after seeing they were NYCE and I remembered a post about that brand having issues.