A dashboard with sub menus (tabs?)

I am searching for a way to make multiple menu or tabs but too bad not in easy dashboard not in Actiontiles there are no tiles to jump to another menu (and back)

See picture here, on top the submenu's

You could create the impression of sub menus in the more advanced / original dashboards app by adding dashboard links across the top of the dashboard like you have in your screenshot, then format the active one differently using CSS. Not a native feature, but still possible. The active one could simply be a text tile as well, no need to link to itself. I can find and example when it have some time, or if you search for zone control or something similar, you may find my post about a dashboard I created. Equally, you may be interested to look at the show off your dashboards topic and ask some of the people there about their creations.

In the older Legacy dashboards, you can cheat a bit. Play with how wide each tile is, and vary the tile sizes.

Here is one example I whipped up. Not as pretty as yours, but I didn't do any CSS mods or otherwise try to pretty it up.


And mobile app:

Basically what I did is make each device tile 4 high and 4 wide. Each link tile is 3 wide by 2 high. The whole dashboard is 12 columns wide.

From there font is 8, grid gap is 8, row width is blank (so it autosizes), and row height is 20.

You could play with these tile widths vs columns to get the effect you want. After that, a few basic CSS tricks, and you could get something fairly close to your screenshot.


I too would like to go exclusively to the Easy dashboards but navigation remains my #1 issue. They have let us create links to other dashboards that appear off the navigation button in the lower left, but since they don’t scroll I can only see a couple of them on my iPhone making that virtually useless. As mentioned above we could nest dashboards in the classic version and I keep wishing they would bring that to the Easy too.

This is my old dashboard I was referring to earlier... Looking a little dated now that I look at it again.

Both of these issues are being addressed. The former is partially fixed already, meaning that on small screens the navigation is displayed vertically, however not all mobile phones qualify as "small" screen, so next update will address that. As for nesting dashboards, it will be available sooner or later, but I don't have a time frame at this time when the feature will be released.


Thank you for the fast response. I know they are a small company with lots going on right now, so knowing those are on the agenda to be addressed works for me.

Since you are giving us a rare peek under the covers, can you tell us if they will replace just the word "Dashboard" on the banner with the name of the dashboard at some point?

That is a different kind of problem. It sounds like you are referring to the word "Dashboard" that is the title of the Mobile App page you're on. Is not something that has been considered, yet, and likely is not going to be implemented.

Here is a screenshot from inside one of my dashboards. I mean the big green banner at the top that just says "Dashboard" which isn't really helpful as I know I'm in a dashboard. With the font size for the Easy dashboard tiles being so much smaller it is often difficult to tell at a quick glance which dashboard I'm in.

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Yup, that is the name of the Mobile app page you're on (not part of the dashboard).

Hmmmm. :frowning: I know the name of the current dashboard we are on appears just below the Dashboard banner if we open a classic dashboard, and it also has the home icon/button right there too. So maybe that is something that could be implemented for the Easy as well.

apologies if i've misread this as a general question (as opposed to needing to be linked specifically to "Easy Dashboard", but this may assist:


Was thinking along the same lines. You can use a separator helper tile to display the name of the dashboard.

I created 1 separator in Safari on my Mac but it didn’t appear on my iPhone for that room, which surprised me. I don’t know why they don’t populate across devices, but that may be a good thing.

In any event, since the text appears only at the bottom of the tile and I couldn’t reduce the height of the tile on my iPhone it just takes up too much room and doesn’t look good.

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I use the older dashboards and setup two hierarchies ..

one by capability and one by room.

and each dashboard has dashboard links back to the parent..

I have both cloud and local versions.

I also only use a specific size and limited colums (3) so it looks fine on my mobile phone.


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The separator tile is not auto resizing, so if you created a separator for say a 5 column span, and your phone only has 2 columns, the phone will not display the separator. The other way is true too.

What is the commant (or tile) that have the ability to call another dashboard?

in the legacy (older version) it is a dashboard link object

Yes that works.

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