7 Great years with Hubitat

Wow! I joined the Hubitat Community on Februrary 18, 2018 and ordered my C-3 hub 2 days later.

It's been quite a journey. First corresponded with @mike.maxwell when I was still on SmartThings, asking for permission to use a driver he wrote that was being distributed without consent. All the while, not knowing at the time that he was already involved with this incredible local hub effort about to emerge.

Some time later, I was looking for a better solution for the Lutron Picos I had just learned how to integrate with my ST hub, when I saw a post about a new local hub that had just been soft launched. It was exactly what I had dreamt of, and has only became better and better.

I later connected with @patrick and then eventually with @bravenel to get my dream job writing documentation for the incredible local hub I had fallen head over heals for. Only wished it could have lasted longer. Grateful for the experience.

Here I am today, seven years later and still enjoying the incredibly stable and almost completely local home automation that I've been able to achieve, thanks to the vision of Bruce, Chuck and Mike, and the sustained efforts and support from @bobbyD, @bcopeland, @gopher.ny and other staff, past and present.

Of course, none of this would be as successful without the incredibly helpful community members and developers that have embraced Hubitat Elevation. My enduring respect and gratitude to you all.


Doug - it's great to have met you, and thank you for all the help you've provided me and many others over the years!


Right back at you Ashok! You have help me in so many ways, and a good chunk of my home automation was inspired and grew out of great advice you gave me.


Great post! I'll second Ashok's post, and add that in my estimation, you are a large part of the reason we have such a great community here. I think there are always just a few who while lending their kindness and help, ultimately provide the tenor and spirit of a community, and here in these forums, you are demonstrably one!

For my part Thank You!



My C-3 from the same time period, isn't doing as much in our new home as it once did, it is still running along very happily.

I have also received so much support from so many great folks over the years, TYVM one and all

Happy trails