500 Error every time I try to remove a specific device

There is one particular device that is very stubborn and for which I get a 500 error everytime I try to remove it. Searching the forum lead me to the following suggestions:

  • Disabled device by checking the box in the device list.
  • Reboot and rebuild database on restart
  • Soft Reset
  • Change device in question to be a Virtual Switch
  • Change the network ID to be hex and 2 digits

I tried all of these, but unfortunately, none of them worked.


  • Hub C7
  • Platform version:
  • Device in question is a virtual device
  • Removed from being used in all apps

Any suggestions of something more I could try?


Just a guess here.
Did you try to disable the device first?


Yes, good catch. I didn't mention that I did indeed disable it before trying to remove. I've also rebooted with it disabled. Didn't work.

Thank you for the suggestion though!

This a solution for someone. He did the restore after the soft reset.
You did yours before so maybe rebuilding a corrupt DB didn't fix anything?

First download all your hub backups. Then make a new backup as well. Then try a reboot and see if you can delete the devices, if that doesn't work, try a soft reset and restore the latest backup and try to delete the devices. The Error 500 is most likely a DB corruption issue.

Thank you for the response.

I'd love to try it, but I don't see how what you are describing differs from a soft reset as described here.

  1. I backed up
  2. Chose to perform a soft reset in the diagnostics interface
  3. The hub rebooted
  4. Once back I restored the backup
  5. Still can't remove device

Are the steps above what you were suggesting, or is there something I missed?

I think you are on to something about database corruption. However, as long as I'm restoring a database that was taken AFTER the database was corrupted, won't the corruption just be restored ? I've considered going spelunking through my past backups to see if I can spot where it went bad. I haven't because even if I found it, it isn't really practical to set my whole environment back until i've exhausted all the less costly ideas.

Initially you had reboot and rebuid DB which was different that reboot and restore a know good DB. :wink:
Seems nitpicky but I did have an issue once with the DB where a rebuild didn't work but a restore of a previous backup cured my issue.