3rd Reality Blinds

For some reason I can't complete this automation. I have 10 sets of 3rd reality blinds. They are all configured as devices. I have a rule that they open and sunrise and another rule to close them at Sunset. Works great. But I want to be able to open/close them with a button push or switch to open/close them at any time. I just can't figure it out.

There are a couple options One is to use an app like Button Controller to create an automation that responds to your desired button event (whichever button number and event--pushed, held, etc.--you want) and performs the desired actions (in your case, opening or closing the blinds).

Another option is to set them up in Room Lighting (despite the name, it works for blinds/shares, too). You can use a button as "means to Activate" and "means to Turn Off," where you might have Activate configured to open the blinds and Turn Off configured to close them. This app is a bit more complicated (not that Button Controller can't get complicated, too), but it might allow you to do some neat things with less effort in case you want more in the future.

These are far from the only options; even Basic Rule might work, depending on what commands/capabilities your blinds offer (this app can't operate on all devices, being a bit simpler, and I don't recall if blinds are one). If you think any of the above would work and want more help, I'm sure someone will offer!

PS - This all assumes you have a button device you can actually use with your hub and therefore apps like Button Controller (e.g., a Lutron Pico, SmartThings Button, Zooz ZEN34 remote, or even lots of in-wall switches/dimmers that support multi-taps and generate button events on the hub in response). You could also use a virtual button with a Dashboard, a virtual switch or similar (including a Room Lighting Activator device) with a voice assistant, or a variety of other means--as usual, more than one way to get to the goal!

I use a virtual button and the button app. You could just control the virtual button using a rule with any physical device. Heres what I got. The refresh RM rule was needed to get the shades to report correctly... Well about 90 percent of the time. Also read this post about the importance of not throwing out the rediculious remotes.