203 (255) mode page doesn't load

203 (255) mode page doesn't load
Android 14 latest ota updates. Samsung S22+


How are you connecting to your network / HE hub? Are you connecting via the cloud, VPN or Wi-Fi? Or are you connecting via the HE subscription service?

Modes don't load for me via local wifi or via the cloud when out.

Am I the only one with this issue on 203 (255)?

Same here.

That is weird.... Can't say I have seen this....

Best I could suggest would be:

  1. restarting the hub,
  2. Logging out and back into the App / Hub on the mobile app

Not real science behind this, just thinking that establishing a new session could somehow reset.... things.....

Mode displayed in the app is out of sync too with my wifes phone. Both are running 203(258). Both Samsung S22 on Android 14 latest ota updates

Update from another tread -

Thank you :slight_smile:

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My wife and I are both having this issue. Any update? Both on Samsung S21+'s.

I am running the beta version of the Android app and all is working properly for me now.

Thanks for the tip. I put the beta on my phone and it is working.

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