2023 Optical Pulse meter reading device options?

I'm in the US and have smart meters that have a pulse visible on the device. My power company does not provide access to any detailed usage metrics more granular than daily. I'm interested in reading the pulses off the meter with Hubitat so I can see real-time usage.

I did a search and was surprised not to find much. What's available to us for optical pulse reading these days?

I've seen these sensors... but haven't gone down the path too far on DIY hoping I can locate an existing solution.

I saw a reference to possible current flow metering support:

@JumpJump You are better off just getting an iotawatt or similar to attach to the legs in your breaker box.. Data can be exported to grafana/influxdb and integrates into hubitat. They're back on sale to the us and canada

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Ameren ‘upgraded’ my meter to a smart meter a few years ago. At the time no one made a display for inside the house so I bought an Aeotec gen5 meter. The inductive clamps go around each incoming leg. Was fun trying to get them snapped around the legs without getting zapped. Ended up making a cardboard shield to keep flesh away from electrons.

The Hubigraph app makes a nice graph.

Several companies now make displays that interface with a smart meter. One that looks promising is the Eagle.


For now Hubigraphs tells me what I want to know.

It's certainly my fallback plan, but the considerations are:

  • I have 400 amp service
  • I'd like my measurement to be exactly the same as the power company
  • A bit cheaper to read the pulses
  • safer

I have 200. As long as your in the US there us nothing unsafe about it...(or even outside the US) . Simply clamp them on each like like the pic. If you're nervous about power just turn off main breaker for 30 seconds.

You can also add clamps to individual circuits to trigger for laundry, water heaters, stove, etc.... And again, export historic data to grafana/influxdb... :slight_smile: Cost is about $150

Sure, well, you know, even a small risk is still a risk. I'm not freaked out by it at all. I've moved live service with gloves. Just detailing some of the criteria for using a pulse sensor vs CT clamps.

Yea, I'm aware of the options for clamps. I'm also aware of the Leviton smart load center with smart breakers. Hoping for the pulse measuring option for all the reasons plus maybe portability.

Looks like there is a new Frient Zigbee device.

I am too for whatever power meter option (I am actually using IotaWatt). But if you want to stick with pulse metering you can go with DIY Hubduino project. I think somebody already posted a ready to go pulse metering code. Just search a forum.

I ordered the Frient device just above.