2 Days Into This and Disappointed

Brave is one of the best Chromium forks yet. There are some minor annoyances (no syncing of things beyond bookmarks, oddities with Chrome apps that require a singed in account), but by and far a great alternative to Chrome.


Agree 100%. It works very well with HE dashboards, particularly when set to use desktop mode (at least for me). I only really use it for my dashboard, so I can live with the other annoyances.

I use two Windows 10 tablets w/Chrome for my dashboard needs. No refresh issues.

I second this. I honestly am very pissed about the webui, slow as he11. But I only go in when setting up stuff. True too is the automation fires instantly, whereas with ST I had to worry about the wife tripping because the stupid light took 2 seconds to come on. Hubitat automations are blindingly fast, the web UI not so much, but I'd take the faster automations any day.

Guess you guys didn't know , the hub is mining bitcoins in the background.....



Well, still no luck on getting the dashboard to update. Very sporadic. Will work for awhile, then quit for awhile. Just nor reliable. If I load a dashboard from the dashboard menu it seems to be ok. Just not from a link on my home screen.

I have noticed this whenever I leave my dashboard up 24/7, if it doesn't update I must refresh the browser, then everything is fine.....using Chrome.

There are a number of chrome extensions to automatically refresh on a periodic schedule. I wonder if one of those would help?

I may have to check it out and see......still waiting on my mesh to settle down(stupid zwave locks), so I can download and play with the new update, clicking refresh a couple times a day is not that much of a hassle for me, but I will check that out later.

Personally, I think it's a websockets issue. For instance, if you watch the console when you have a dashboard up on a desktop and have the browser or tab lose focus, you can see the socket connect, timeout and then reconnect when it gains focus again.

On a mobile device (especially Android with it's battery saving policies), the tab and/or browser may not issue the focus event the same as a desktop does. So, the socket connects, then times out, but may never reconnect because the Javascript might not be firing the reconnect properly. I've run into similar issues on some apps that I've written that use websockets and I've had to implement aggressive ping/pong events to keep the socket connected when the mobile device puts the browser into a deep sleep.

I've had the same issue with chrome on my tablet. I needed up using Fully Kiosk and set it to essentially reload the page every time I loaded the dashboard. Works 100% now.

As long as the dashboard (and the screen) stay on it works fine. If I open another app or the screensaver comes on, the dashboard refreshes on its own negating the issue.