[] Provide Ability to Specify if a Device is Included in Home Status or Not [C8 Pro]

I love the new status pills at the top of the home page that allow a quick glance or click to go to the indicated devices. Thank you!

This is a feature I have liked on my HomeKit home app. But one thing HomeKit allows you to do is specify whether or not a device is included in home status, as shown below. This allows me to only see what I care about here. For instance, I only include indoor temperatures in the climate status, so I can see the levels in the house vs. what is also outside. Likewise, I have excluded my car door locks from the Security status since I my car doors don’t automatically lock at home.

Would be great to also add this option to Hubitat devices (default to on) to specify whether or not the status appears on the home page.


Outside Temp:

Suggested “Include in Home Summaries” toggle location in Hubitat devices:


As a side note: maybe some additional work needs to be done on the indicators anyway??? Currently, I’m showing 2 unlocked, but when I click and am taken to the list of devices, only 1 is unlocked.

Side side note: To add to my OP, in this instance, I would like to disable lock for my car and thermostats and only show the door lock status here.

Side side side note: I’f this gets working correctly, I’ll probably create a virtual lock to mirror my garage door so I can see that here too.

Side side side side note: Maybe doors should be here too?

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Is that thermostat driver implementing Lock capability???

yes … I imagine they’re using a custom driver… @samuel.c.auclair added this to allow locking the keypad (which is a supported function, but not sure it fits with the intent of that capability)

What @hubitrep said. And I think it's actually a good use of the capability, but would like a way to exclude it from summaries. Conversely, the Zooz garage door driver (technically a community driver, but recommended by Zooz) creates a virtual lock to show door status, and I WOULD like to include that in summaries, but it's currently not.

FWIW I have added various capabilities on custom drivers so they can behave with inbuilt apps such as Room Lighting. For example I have a Virtual Contact Motion driver and I have added Presence capability to several LAN drivers so I can monitor its online status and use the Notifications app to let me know when they are not present.

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