I've been seeing this, and it was documented in previous versions of the firmware: the hub loses connection to the cloud. I will be testing 175 as I just upgraded.
I'm on the same version on both a C7 and a C8-Pro and have also recently had the cloud connection dropping occasionally.
I have notifications set up to let me know if the could connection fails. Twice in the last week, both times at just before 1 AM EDT (= just before 0500 UTC) both hubs have lost their cloud connections.
This seems to point to it being either an issue with my LAN or a problem with the Hubitat/AWS end of the connection rather than some glitch in the individual hub.
Rebooting the hubs without doing anything to my network restores the connection, which is some indication, but not definitive proof, that the issue is on the cloud side. If the issue is on my network, somehow a hub reboot is resolving it.
For now I've set up rules on each hub that will notify me if the connection drops, then reboot the hub 15 minutes later if it hasn't reconnected.
This has just happened to me recently for what might be the first time but now I realize I have no way to know.
I'm on a C7 running, hardwired to the router, no WiFi. No recent changes to anything at all anywhere to cause this.
Hubitat provides a paid cloud backup service which obviously depends on connectivity. I would hope that they are (or will be) working on some way to proactively let users know when their hub loses connection, even if it's simply a very obvious notice in the header of the web UI, that would be 100x better than what it seems people are having to individually do now to try to stick gum on the leak.
Please Hubitat do something about this. Obviously fixing things so we don't lose connectivity at all (or perhaps less frequently) but in the meantime please provide users a way to know when we have lost connectivity without us having to learn this by discovering a problem first.
I still think there is a process on the.hub that dies as the cloud connection needs to be initiated with a socket from the hub side.
I had same issue with C7
Reboot fixed it for now.
Had the same issue with my C7. I have updated my DNS settings according to the Hubitat documentation, below:
...basically adding all of the below DNS servers using the 'override DNS' setting, and things have held up so far...,,,,
Seeing this on my C5. What's interesting is I am unable to access the hub from outside of the local LAN but if I run ping tests from the hub, I have no problem pinging cloudflare or the Hubitat Cloud.
Your home router / firewall is blocking access from outside your lan. That’s by design. You don’t want have that exposed to the public interwebs. Use the remote option or use a VPN to access your hub while you’re not home.
Thanks for the tip but that's not the issue. I do us a VPN when I need anything other than a dashboard when away, This is not my network blocking any traffic.
It's the same issue as others are currently seeing, the hub will quit communicating with the HE cloud. When this happens cloud dashboards, google and things like owntracks cease to function. Rebooting the hub brings it back to life.
For me, it started happening with My first occurrence was on Aug 11th after updating the hub on August 10 upon returning home from a 2 month vacation. Zero issues while on vacation. Reboots would fix it temporarily but the issue would come back. I did a soft reset around the 15th and did not experience the phenomenon again until a few hours after updating to I did another soft reset and it hasn't returned but I honestly think that's just coincidence. Based on the chatter in the forums, it seems as though something has changed on the HE side. Either in the firmware or AWS.
Just my 2 cents. This is the first I have experienced this type of behavior since installing the hub in April of 2020.
I just saw this today on the C7
I'm on the 1.76 going to 177. I need a reboot to get the update.