[] Z-Wave Exclusion Bug

I believe this was found before by @jtp10181 and fixed, but if not, it needs to be.

When removing a z-wave device and that device does not respond, cancelling does not stop z-wave exclusion. I have a broken GE switch I was trying to remove but don't want to force it so I don't end up with a ghost... In the process I noticed by watching the logs, the z-wave exclusion keeps running even when you hit cancel to stop it. The only way to stop exclusion from running is to refresh the device page.

I tried this multiple times and it continues running in the background until the page refresh is done... In fact, I didn't realize it was running and flipped another switch causing that device to exclude... This may happen unknowingly to someone and they will not now what happened to their device unless they are watching the logs...

The screenshot shoes me starting to remove the device, but when I hit cancel, you can see it says stopped, but then keeps going...

@gopher.ny @bcopeland

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Yup has been ongoing since beta testing. Was thought to be fixed but was only partially fixed. I reported this same issue on my thread in beta for those who have access
