seems stuck in an update loop?

Strange. It just worked on mine, don't mind 2.3.9 those are bets test builds.
I did not try switching to it, but it did download and show on my list.

Maybe your download got corrupted somehow and is stuck in a cache.


What browser are you using?

I use Edge on Mac, and I was having corruption issues trying to create a local backup file (in prep for this update), but updating Edge fixed that... Maybe make sure your browser is updated and try again?

Good suggestion, but I tried 3 browsers (mobile Safari, always worked in the past), full MacOS Safari, and Arc - all with the same results

Yeah, this is what I'm wondering too. I don't know how to clear that though, it must be in the hub itself. I've tried full power cycles aside from the soft reboots I was doing as well, and that didn't help either.

You could try forcing it to download a bunch of older platforms and maybe that will clear it out. Use this endpoint and the number at the end is the major version, so 2.3.4 is 234 as shown.


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Are the downloads stored in the DB or in the file system? Iā€™m wondering if the OP might benefit from a DB rebuild as part of a reboot.

I gave this a try but these endpoints always seem to time out without doing anything.

I can give that a shot!

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Doing a reboot with a DB rebuild and a log purge has changed my results, but not much for the better. Now I see it download, verify, extract, and then give this ā€œdownload failedā€ message.

Go into network settings on the hub, and change the Ethernet speed setting. If its on AUto set it to 100. If on 100, set to Auto.


Then try again.

Tried that, even with another reboot - no difference. Thanks for the idea though!

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Under the category might help, won't hurt...

  • Clear cache in your browser (depending on what you're using interweb will have instructions)
  • Re-do the download of the platform version via the endpoint /hub/advanced/downloadPlatform/234
  • Cross fingers

Yeah man, appreciate that but Iā€™ve tried all those already. The platform download endpoint spun for a while and then timed out. It canā€™t be browser cache as Iā€™ve tried 3 or 4 across multiple computers. Crossing fingers was the first act :joy:

I wonder if the soft reset with logs purge indicated here would help clear things out better to get it updated? @bobbyD thoughts on why he cannot update?

I read the post again and there are instructions in there for if you are unable to update!

Hmmmm - I will give this a shot this evening. Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m seeing the symptoms of the z-wave lockup (I have had the hub hard lock a few times recently, so maybe)

Thanks for the pointer though, another thing to test! I was also kinda wondering at this point if waiting til .141 (or just .next) would fix this for me too. Either way the help is very appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

This sounds more like a network problem. Do you use any special firewalls, firewall rules? Mind sharing more about your network?

It's worth a shot to eliminate that possibility. Please go to the following end point: yourHubIP*/hub/zwaveDebugDisable then reboot the hub

*yourHubIP - use your actual IP address as assigned by your router

This did it! I used the instructions in the link above to revert to 2.3.7, hit the zWaveDebugDisable endpoint, did a reboot with a rebuild and log purge, then it took no problem!

@bobbyD do I need to do anything to re-enable zWaveDebug after this process or is it fine as it is?

Thanks so much to everyone who pitched in here. Appreciate that nobody just went straight to "RTFM" as I just hadn't seen this link that ended up being so helpful :slight_smile:


Glad it worked. And no, you do not need to do anything to re-enable the logging. It was turned on in our effort to get to the bottom of some edge case Z-Wave issues.

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Just to add I had the same problem (extracting update -> download failed) and this worked for me too:
I was not able to update for a long time and was stuck on I ran the above, rebooted (with DB rebuild/log purge) and it updated fine after that. Thanks.