Zigbee issue on C5 and C7 hubs

Was running and Zigbee stopped working. Just no device showed up in the logs. Saw that .146 was released so I updated. Still no good. Pulled power. Waited 3 minutes and things are working now. Of note: I tried the graphical map of Zigbee this morning and it never drew anything. I wonder if it hung the radio? Anyway, not gonna try that again. WAF was cratering.

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Was this a c5 or a c7? If so that was a possible issue in 125

I have a c7 and a c5 - both with zigbee enabled.

I have been running .141 since it came out and updated to 0.145 around 1am EDT.

The C7 zigbee radio toggle off/ online three times between 1am and 10am and on the C5 it happened twice

I reverted to .141 and it hasn’t happened in the last seven hours.

I have never had this issue before.

One of the many reasons I am on 101. At least I know its stable and doesn't have Clinton Intern Syndrome.. I absolutely need it stable because of my health situation.

I have had the zigbee radio switch off once and I think that was to do with my corruption incident.. Hasn't done it since. And it's outside of the time window where it did it before..

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I'm running a C-7. Have a new C-8 that I haven't gotten around to migrating to yet.


This is from my C7

Please try 146

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I updated my c5 with only 13 aqara sensors and tradfri repeaters 2.5 hours ago. So far so good.

Updating my c7 with about 71 devices now. Will report back in the morning.


I switched to 146. After powering off for a few minutes and rebooting things have been stable so far. Zigbee is working.

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Yes. Issue resolved with 146. Thanks Mike.

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