[] memory dropped to 5mb but recovered

Very odd. I've never had this happen before. Everything is functioning normally.

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How are you tracking Free Memory? With the Hub Info Device driver??

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Exactly. I have it set up for alerts below a certain number.

Because I'm accustomed to seeing much differently formatted FreeMem numbers than "5 MB", more like 600,000 or thereabouts.

I've seen it a couple of times - normally during an update to new version, but it always recovers.

Can you show us a screenshot like I've included above?

I'd be happy if mine was 5mb, it's like 400k.

I have too but this was nearly 24 hours after an update.

You're at about 390mb


Wonder if the hub was running a cleanup of some sort.


Wait, so I've always ASSumed that the memory numbers on the hub were kb, so 400k , but you're saying it is closer to 0.5 gigabyte of memory
Maybe it's time I upgraded my 286 CPU?


Hub starts with 1GB memory before it carves out some for the JVM, DB Cache, devices, etc.

The units not being shown explicitly here are indeed kilobytes (kB):

400,000 kB ~ 400 MB ~ 0.4 GB

From my Dev Hub:


As you can tell, it's not real busy when I'm not playing with new code

Mine stays around 220-240k on average,. I've had it as low as 85 with no ill effects. Though now I auto reboot at 3am if it hits 120...

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So you set a memory based trigger with a wait till action?

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Thanks, I got confused thinking it was 400kB not 400,000kB

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Wow, I can't go that low or it gets very slow, locks up, although I'm on the C7...for now. I'll wait till y'all are done "exterminating" before joining in the fun


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