as subject states:
Strange it does on mine:
Not sure I understand - your 3rd device in the list looks to be direct. Have you controlled the others via HE since last reboot?
Did you try a full power down, wait a minute or two before plugging the hub back in?
Also OK on mine.
I'd shut down, remove power 1m, re-connect power. That will likely sort it.
Ah... @neonturbo has faster fingies.
... that would be the 99% computer solution...
Reboot, reboot, reboot. (But in this case full power down/reboot.)
Just switch them from the device page and then refresh that page
If it's just a routing/caching issue that could also fix it. Good idea if it's not a ton of devices.
I restarted from on power. Some came back, now I'm down to only two battery operated sensors. I'll wait for them to wake up and see what happens.
I powered down for about a hour because but in reality I believe only a minute is required. The goal would be to be sure the internal voltage storage (capacitors) are discharged to the point the MCU forgets everything in volatile memory.
You don't need to worry about battery powered devices not showing routing. That is rarely the sign of a real problem. I don't even look at those any more. If those devices are working, things are OK.
You really only need the hub off for a minute to restart the Z-Wave radio.
One side-effect of having your hub off for an hour is that you will put any of your Zigbee devices into something called "Panic mode." When the hub is turned on again the zigbee devices will go through a process to re-build their neighbor tables and route back to the hub. Turning the hub off for 20 minutes or more (I've also heard 15m will do it) will cause this reaction. Nothing necessarily bad in it, but thought you should know.
Thanks I was aware of the panic mode for the zigbee's. I though I might have even heard a little screaming
The hour off was because I was distracted with another project and didn't get back right away.
Actually I don't usually pay any attention to the connections, when as you say things are working, Its just that I noticed a lot of empty entries after updating to
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