2.2.5 You might need to adjust hue Motion Sensor settings

  • Hue Motion Sensor: Remove ineffective motion and temperature lux reporting trigger options. Was it ever broke seemed to be the best wireless option?
    I use a bunch of Hue outdoor motion sensors and the last two updates have included fixes or changes for them, whatever you want to call them I've definitely had to pay attention. Lux last update now motion. Motion settings seems to be way different. I guess these changes are for the better but in my case I'm having to adjust my settings to get things to work as they did before. I use some of these motion sensors to compare facial recognition logs and they use to be spot on now not so much. Maybe it's just the changes in the driver and they settle down after a while because medium motion sensitivity seems like low on at least two of the sensors like 10 feet away? other ones seem about the same. Maybe keep smashing the config button? Oh and what exactly changed in the trigger options? looks the same to me but works different.
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After messing around with settings and repositioning the sensors, the driver changes are making this an even better sensor. Before the driver changes it seemed like it really didn't matter what you set things to, seems like it matters now which in my case actually helped, is a perfect day for testing motion windy and rainy and I'm not getting any false positives. Lux changes have been more relevant since last patch as well. Nice work fixing something that wasn't broke but could be improved. Now it's the fastest most reliable wireless sensor I've tried when it comes to motion. Going to order a few of these https://www.ebay.com/itm/Zigbee-Temperature-Humidity-Environment-Sensor-for-SmartThings-Hubitat/164220197906 see how they work for lux.

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