[ C7] Unable to include ANYTHING

I'll try and figure out how to look for the ghost nodes, I have always been able to get and unknown device excluded message so hopefully I won't find them as ghost nodes.

Why do I sometimes get the pop up with the security questions and sometimes it just auto adds and prompts me for a name? All my devices are S2.

It depends on the device, what security options it presents to the Z-Wave radio protocol stack. The hub just throws up what the protocol stack says to put up, and is required to do that.

The security choices are shown and explained here:
Add Z-Wave Device

That wasn’t what I asked. I asked what the devices were. Usually, unless the devices are Access Control (locks, exterior door and garage door sensors), unchecking all boxes (no security) is best. Some devices don’t play well with Hubitat if paired securely. S0 is an older protocol, uses 3x the packets, and shouldn’t be used if S2 is available and needed. The highest available Security class will be used.


Thanks for the info. Only the multi relay is controlling entry to house via the garage doors, it is paired using S2. The rest of my devices are all switches, outlets and sensors. I do have a number of devices using S0 and have RTT ranging from 3-8 seconds. Will the replace function work for me to exclude these devices and re-include them so I can pick no security while preserving my automations?

I've only had luck pairing securely when the hub was within a few feet.

As it gets farther away, the reliability drops off. I suspect there are some latent bugs-but, I have seen devices skip the prompt when they aren't close enough. Then, if I move the hub closer to them and do it over, they prompt. I think, if they are truly S2, they should always prompt for security (at least the ones I have do).

If they are S2 you should join them using S2 so whe. The pop up happens, click OK (as it should have already ticked the correct boxes). You could also used the app to scan the QR code and do the lot. That would be much easier, as no pop up it just does it for you.

Sadly, no. The easiest way to preserve your automations is, for each device, create an equivalent virtual device, swap that for the real device in all instances, then exclude the real device, then re-include real device at the desired no security level (uncheck all boxes), then swap back.

In other words, using one of the switches as an example, create a virtual switch (at top of devices page). Then, on the device page for the real equivalent switch, scroll down to the bottom of the page to the “in use by” section, click on the first item/link, then replace each use of that real switch with the new virtual switch. If it’s a rule, make sure you hit done button after editing, rather than browser’s back button. Then, go back to the “in use by” section for the real device, repeat the swapping for the next use case until none are left. At this point, the real device can be excluded and re-included at desired security level. Then, go to the “in use by” section on the virtual switch’s device page, swap out each use of the virtual switch with the newly-included switch.

Repeat for all devices for which you are changing security level.

Yes, it’s a pain, but that’s the easiest way so that you avoid having to re-create all automations.

Thanks for the tip, I will give that a try.

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