2.2.4 Zigbee devices missing from table, but still work

So it looks like after updating to 2.2.4, two of my Zigbee devices no longer show on the Zigbee page. They are also missing their name in the routing table (listed as null) but they are still functional. I'm guessing just some reference or name got messed up in the database?

Child Data

Neighbor Table Entry
[null, 15D6], LQI:255, age:3, inCost:1, outCost:5

[null, 8959], LQI:255, age:3, inCost:1, outCost:1

I would try doing a shutdown through the settings menu, pull the power cord for a minute, and boot up. That seems to be helping in cases of weird things like this.

And I am assuming that the names and labels are correct in the device settings page?

They are, just missing from the Zigbee settings page and from the route table page.

I've done a few reboots, tried a downgrade, but didn't try a DB restore yet