2.2.4: HE as secondary z-wave controller not working

Umm.... No. They already made a zigbee supporting hub and didn't even put a mark on that market, let alone kill off any competition.

And just to be cheekier... They technically already have a zwave hub, and have for years - ring.


Maybe Silicon Labs will make and the alarm panel companies will implement a Z-Wave to Thread bridge.

I don't know if I would completely agree with that. :slight_smile: I know many people that have later model echos with zigbee and BLE. They have devices (smart bulbs and plugs mostly) that they've integrated. Although if you ask them they don't really consider they have "smart home" stuff or know what zigbee is. All they know is the box said "works with alexa" or "works with echo dot 4", but the devices are zigbee or BLE. To them it just pairs and works. And they didn't need another app (for wifi plugs from Meross or TP-link) to set it up, which was a big win to them.

Fair enough it is subjective I guess. All I know is there are no fewer zigbee hubs on the market since Amazon made theirs (and in fact, there are actually more)....

Thus my belief that Amazon putting a technology in their equipment doesn't equal "kill off 98% of the competition". I just don't think the data supports that statement.

But in the end, does it really matter? :slight_smile:

Yeah I follow. I don't think they sold MORE echos because they have zigbee/BLE radios (people looking for mid to high end smart home tech aren't looking at echos as a controller). But i do believe they fill the low end (just want a couple lights/outlets controllable mostly via voice) void pretty well. People already have echos and it can fill the "no hub needed" market. Something that Wink or ST used to fill too.

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