[] Simple Automation Rules null pointer

I'm seeing a null pointer with Simple Automation Rules 1.1. I've recently re-created my rules for 1.1, so I don't know if this is new to or not.

[error] java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method multiply() on null object on line 777 (beforeSunriseHandler)

Do you get this when it should fire? Or when creating/editing the rule?

I made a duplicate of your rule with no errors. But obviously it won't fire next until sunset+10.

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The error was logged at sunrise (not sunrise -15). According to the device event log, the device turned off at sunrise -15.

Cool. I'll keep my eyes open on my rule! Not that it helps you either way, but it will be another data point in any case.

I need to see those logs. Can you post a screenshot.

As above.

Please show the Settings portion of the App Status page (gear icon). You could only get that error if the rule ran without a sunrise offset having been set, but you have a sunrise offset defined.

Ah, I see the problem. Will look into fixing that. Thanks.

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Thank you Bruce.

Never mind. Able to reproduce.

Found and fixed for next release.

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Fro the record, I got the same error this morning (hub= I updated that dev hub to 156 so we'll see what it does tomorrow.

app:792020-12-03 07:15:00.430 am errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method multiply() on null object on line 778 (beforeSunriseHandler)

This bug was fixed. Assuming you're talking about a Before Sunrise offset on the second action (anti-action).

Yup. Ok, We'll see tomorrow morning then! Definitely wasn't fixed in 155.

Yeah, fix was merged yesterday, so it made it into 156, not 155.


Thanks Bruce!

Actually, part of the problem was that Simple Automation Rule had its guts redone, but got virtually no testing during beta. We failed to push enough people to start using it. So there were corners here and there never used, including this one. I think we got them all now, but.... it's software!


I’m in a public safety electrical shutdown area, so I won’t be able to test until the day after tomorrow.

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