I'm trying to replace a device that's already on Hubitat's mesh with itself. I'm getting the error messages immediately after pressing the replace button. It could because of the "Busy message" errors that are filling the logs?
you need to just remove it.. get n in fialed and a remove ooption and try it multiple times.. works best immediately after rebooting and the hub comes up
rebooted the, went to the zwaveinfo page, pressed Repair a few times, then pressed "Remove" when the button appeared. Remove seems to be a no-op. Page immediately reloads after this and the device is still present in the list.
you have to keep trrying remove sometimes it takes 4 or 5 times if the hub has busy messages
Post a screen shot of the device you're trying to remove from the Z-Wave Details screen - the entire row for that device.
What lead you to this attempt?
Migrating from SmartThings to HE. Mesh was stable in ST, not in HE. Some devices end up in FAILED state and can not be acted upon after that (can't actuate from devices page or dashboard or through Alexa).
Rebooting the hub helps clear most of them. Shutting down hub & waiting 30s before powering up clears even more, but there are still 3 devices remaining in failed state.
One of them I ended up being able to add back by moving hub to inclusion mode. But then I had 2 device entries (one FAILED, one OK) for same device. Since Remove from z-wave page didn't work, I ended up removing from Devices page. Unfortunately, this didn't delete the entry from the zwaveinfo page. Left with an orphan entry:
For the second FAILED device, since remove doesn't work wanted to try out replace, which doesn't work either. Here's how the entry looks like:
The third one that I didn't try to remove or replace yet:
if they are battery powered devices this is not an issue, the ghost nodes with no in,out ids is an issue. if remove is not woking after multiple tries, you need to reboot the hub .. full shutdown via menu. pull power for 30 secs. reboot and as soon as the interface is working try to remove. you may have to hit refresh/discover till u get remove button. it may take a few attempts at remove.. try multiple times if neceassery after hub boots before it gets busy.
These are powered light switches. I tried the full shutdown + wait 30s a handful of times already to no avail. Ran a network trace to see what actually happens when pressing remove. Clicking on the Remove button posts to nodeRemove which immediately redirects back to zwaveInfo. Maybe nodeRemove is having an issue?
For device 0x19 (025):
request verb & URL: POST http://hubitat.vdb/hub/zwave/nodeRemove HTTP/1.1
request body: zwaveNodeId=25&_action_remove=Remove
response headers:
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 2020 03:04:21 GMT
Location: http://hubitat.vdb/hub/zwaveInfo
Content-Length: 0
Server: Jetty(9.4.z-SNAPSHOT)
Is the device actually functioning? If you go to the devices in question and trigger a on/off or any other command does the device respond?
The switches work when acted upon physically
But what about via the hub, unless that’s what you mean by physically? The reason I ask is the zwave details page isn’t necessarily 100% accurate in displaying device status, a couple of my mains powered devices will consistently report not responding but are otherwise operating normally.
So point being, if you aren’t having an actual issues with devices I’d suggest it’s wise to just ignore the z-wave details page entirely.
For these devices that you removed from the devices page, but are still present on the zwave page (for future reference generally you don’t want to force remove devices like that), you might want to try putting the hub into exclusion mode and triggering the device itself to exclude.
It’s not entirely clear to me why you were attempting to trigger the replace functionality in the first place, so perhaps some of the above is irrelevant.
100% this. If it operates from the device details page, ignore what the zwave details page says.
I'm only trying to remove/ replace faulty devices, that is devices that can no longer be acted upon through HE.
Any joy w/the device you left sitting on the "Initialiizing" state last night?
Does it appear on Z-Wave Devices tab, either as an included device, or w/the Discover button if it didn't complete properly?
And as you work through getting your devices onto HE, are you going to be able to turn off your ST hub so that it is not a potential factor/variable to worry about?
Spent the day yesterday removing/adding/repairing the faulty z-wave devices. Finally ended in a state where all devices appear responsive . Didn't want to jinx it, so waited for a night without needing a hub reboot or seeing "Z-wave network responded with network busy message" in logs before reporting success.
I now have a few bogus entries on the zwaveinfo page (such as 0x19 and 0x1B below) that I'm not sure how to delete (since remove does nothing). They correspond to devices that I removed and added back. For example the device that used to be 0x19 is now 0x3A. Although my OCD screams when seeing these phantom records, I've convinced myself to let it go as long as the network remains stable.
I think post #9, here, may be relevant to fixing this: Release 2.2.3 Available