2.2.3 Update - Unresponsive C5 Hub

Same boat... a C-3, a C-4, two C-5, two C-7, all of them on v2.2.3.119 and none had any kind of problem. However, I took mine 'stepwise' through the releases. .116 then .117 then .118 and finally to .119. Makes me wonder if the incremental adjustments between each was a 'better path' than jumping from v2.2.2 to or .119 directly.

Just thinking out loud.

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I was wondering if it was the Alexa app.. that seems to have the most commonality amongst C5 users with issues (besides the pesky Oregon component!). I know it is extremely unlikely but...

I have the Alexa app and updated my C5 hubs with no problems.
How big is your database?

I'll just put it out there. One of my c4 hubs had major issues during the beta. I upgraded and rolled back and upgraded again numerous times. In the end my hub stabilized. Totally unsure what combo did it.

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About 334K... this is my control hub - cloud stuff only.

Apps: Amazon, Lutron, Groups, Mode Manager and Unofficial Ring

I am going to remove Mode and Ring and maybe update again. Things worked for a day or so and then UI became unresponsive.

That’s really strange. I’ve seen people report issues with custom drivers after updating, but you probably don’t have any (outside of HubConnect).

For the purposes of RF hygiene I guess you could find a non-conflicting Zigbee channel and let the radio blast away..

I noticed my Echo show 2nd gen also hosts a live Zigbee PAN (I never did anything to explicitly enable it). There's apparently nothing I can do about that either, AFAIK.

I'm more worried about Z-Wave which is just a mess for me currently

Yeah I use Node-RED and have reduced HE app usage as much as possible - no HC (even though it is awesome). I will check to see if I have any old custom drivers hanging around/in use.

The common lament of course is it worked before the update with the only change to the hub being the update... so a regression or a fix that is now probably exposing other issues.

My C5 control hub is my lightest weight hub so kinda weird that it was the one to have trouble. The C4's are still working...

I had thought about going the Node-Red route, but my Hub is going almost a week now with no signs of slowing down since the update, and has never run this well, ever. I am freakin' amazed (not intended to be snarky as my kids would say)

So I have definitely joined the cult of NR... initially it was to reduce the load on HE but I've found so many other really nice things about it that I decided to incorporate it into not only my system but also in my residential clients systems as well. @fblackburn's HE Nodes for NR are fantastic.

A great side benefit of doing this has been my hubs have been running really well for the last couple of months - was able to ditch the rootn tootn rebootn app which served me well through the slow times..

This is kinda why the C5 issue is mysterious.. nothing should be causing the UI to lockup. Note: Maker also went offline as well. edit: have not verified this so ignore..

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I also moved Echo Speaks back to my HE from SmartThings, and just shut down my SmartThings hub. 48 hrs in and still no slowdowns. Just fyi. Tempting fate

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I'm one hour shy of 4 days uptime on and in spite of the increase in delays measured (but not 'felt') yesterday, my C-3 is doing very well. In fact this morning, the measured delays had decreased signifcantly from what I observed yesterday afternoon; the median was once again below my .07 warn value. Thanks to nightly maintenance?

I haven't seen any max delay exceeding those periodic 5.1 sec spikes that seem to come and go (saw a few this morning; now they seem to be gone once again). UI still feels responsive and log is error free. The hub hasn't stayed up this long without needing attention in over a year.


I was seeing periodic 5.1 second spikes as well until last night. I had a couple zigbee sensors I had to rejoin. The “Device Activity Check “ app notified me. I don’t know if it’s related though.

Yes, it's curious that I am seeing the exact same 5.1 sec figure (and rarely, 5.2; yet nothing higher. When the hub running old firmware was going down the tubes, delays extending into the 50+ second range would be recorded) . The spikes weren't happening yesterday afternoon; this morning they were happening fairly regularly. And now they've stopped happening again. I haven't been able to correlate them with anything. I'm interested in seeing how things look after the next maintenance interval.

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Since rolling back to 2.2.2 my hub is fine. With 2.2.3 my delays were 10s of seconds, maybe a minute or so at some points. The Web interface was so slow that by browser would timeout whilst navigating around the hub. Everything appeared to be equally affected: WiFi, zigbee, zwave, app, dashboards etc my Mqtt server was seing the data from hubitat upto a minute after the hub claimed to have sent it.

I've (re) upgraded my C5 last night, removed Mode Manager (not using it anymore - I don't think it's related to the issue but one less app), rebooted again for giggles. This morning after auto maintenance all is well. The last time it took a day or so. Will let everyone know.

edit: forgot also upgraded Unofficial Ring app which was several versions behind. I don't think this is the issue either but it's worth mentioning.

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Good to hear it’s working now. The previous time you tried updating; did you do it at night as well? Just wondering if doing the update closer to the maintenance window helped. Probably more likely the Ring integration. I have mode manager on my hub and didn’t have issues.

Not out of the danger zone yet.. my original upgrade lasted a few days but maybe it was a one off glitch or something. :crossed_fingers:

If not then the good news is the hub has a very simple setup that could help support figure out the issue vs others maybe..

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I don't have ring integration. My hub consists of:

  • Xiaomi sensors and buttons
  • Ikea and osram sockets
  • zwave sirens and keypad
  • A lot of devices communicating via MQTT (tasmota and Rpi)

After the update everything slowed down:

  • HSM disabled around 1m after badging the keypad.
  • When switching all lights on (mix of mqtt and zigbee) triggered via a zigbee button, 1 light would come every 10s or so, taking over a minute for all to switch on
  • lighting triggered by motion sensors also took around 10-20s to respond
  • automatic watering system didn't start on time and then soaked my wife as the PIR that detects movement and inhibits the system was too slow
  • Web interface very slow, taking around 5s to display list of devices, logging interface appeared inactive
  • Dashboards took over 1m to load or timed out my browser, live dashboards appeared not to update.

All MQTT Automation that doesn't use hubitat was not affected and continued to run as normal, eg RPI to Tasmota communications.

I have rolled back to 2.2.2 and everything is back to normal. I have read that it might get better after a few days but I can not be without lighting etc for that long.

Does anyone know if support have identified the problem? Do we know when a fix is due out?