private bool behavior

Noticing pop errors more common in latest updates

In your rule posted above, I cannot see where Private Boolean serves any purpose. If there is no logic to test the rule's Private Boolean state, I don't see the purpose for updating its status.

My understanding re private bool, is that setting to false, will prevent the rule from running again on a trigger change again.... There are multiple threads, to avoid pop errors, by setting private bools to avoid delay pop errors...

I think you may be either be basing that understanding off of very old Rule Machine version information which may still be floating around. In Rule Machine 4, which is what it appears you're rule is based on, Private Boolean must be used within Conditional actions for it to have any effect.

You could simply insert a Simple Conditional Action at the top of your existing actions that is

If (Private Boolean is False) Exit Rule

This would achieve the desired outcome, I believe.

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Yes, those threads most likely describe using PB to avoid 'pop errors' in rules that "Cancel Delayed Actions" when there are no delayed actions to be cancelled any longer. Your rule does not attempt to cancel any delayed actions, nor are your delay statement 'cancellable'

Here is an example of a Rule where I use PB to prevent cancelling delayed actions that no longer exist.

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