[2.0.3 build 253] stuck on loading devices & Java error

I installed the new beta, cleared data and also uninstalled and re-installed app... but app is stuck on "Loading your mobile devices" after selecting my C8 Pro.

Android S23 Ultra

Now loaded after closing the app... but getting a java error on the first/home page, see below:


I'm getting the same error too.

I'm getting the same Java.io error too on my S22 Android 14

The java.io error started for me with hub beta update to .167 and continues with .168. I rolled back to .166 and it goes away. I do not know if it is a mobile app version or hub version issue. Current ap version is (253)

Good catch, possibly related to this change in .167 (beta):

Same, Beta 253, Samsung S23U, Platform

Was this ever resolved? I'm still getting this error on Hubitat Elevation and haven't been able to control my devices for months.

FYI I'm on hub-
Android Hubitat Elevation v2.1.0

What android OS version are you on? I have seen a similar error on an app at work and it was from an old OS with outdated security.

Android 15

That is pretty recent so should not be the problem.

My only other thought is do you have any special characters in your account (email) or hub names? Since we cannot see the full error I am just totally guessing here.

Does it give the error before or after you try to select your hub?

@moncho1138 is there any way to actually see the full error somewhere?

No special characters in hub name or email.

The error occurs after I select my hub, then I get a spinning circle and then I get the error a few seconds later.

Hm, it doesnt like something on the hub. Maybe a device or a device name is breaking it.