10 years?

More perks for paid subscribers :+1:


Just out of curiosity, what perks would you like to see added in the future?

Hmmmm, you've put me on the spot now! I'm not entirely sure, maybe some early access to cool stuff? I was thinking along the lines of getting the odd suprise email here and that lets you know that '...as a paid subscriber you have access too' etc. I think these types of neat surprises help the customer feel valued and cements loyalty to the brand. :blush:


I like the concept at a surface level, however thinking about it some more, I think It would take Hubitat down the Cloud reliance path that they’ve been trying very hard to avoid.

Personally, I don’t want my hubs to rely on the Hubitat cloud for anything other than remote backups.


As an example - and I'll probably get slammed for saying this, but know that it comes from a place of wanting Hubitat to survive for a long time...

The matter roll-out to C7 hubs, I think this should have been a sub-only activation.

Frankly, matter has far from lived up to it's promise and is not game changing or essential in any way, most people could easily live without it. But for those that want it, pay a sub, support the extra Dev work and keep older hub models relevant for longer.

Restricting features, that are supported by hardware, behind paywalls is not cool. Doing this at any level will drive away enthusiasts in large numbers.

And I will be one of them! It’s bad enough that Google and Apple do this to us with our phones, we don’t need it from Hubitat to!


I don't fully agree. In this instance it would have worked and been fair. The C7 has been around for a while the C8 and pro were new and the business relies on hub sales rather than data mining.

The hub gets constant features updates with no end in site so to restrict a potential major feature/ full new application layer could have been a option for subscribers only on old devices. To some it's almost a HW upgrade on a old device.

For those that didn't want it nothing would have changed but for those that did would get much more than that feature for subscribing to it only cements how good the option is.

The phone model is different and they bring out a new phone EVERY year when it's not needed and the restrictions of software are stupid and annoying.

Not saying that HE should do it all the time only that in some specific circumstances then it could work to boost sales without causing complaints.

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I don't entirely disagree, however, in the case of the C7 I’d much rather Hubitat simply didn’t waste the time and money back porting a feature to an old model.

Back porting a feature and then putting it behind a paywall is just a kick in the teeth to those customers.


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IMO.... I think the current decision makers are fixated enough on maintaining local features that there is little rrom for deviation from this path. I take your point though, for some companies it would be a genuine risk.... But I don't feel the current HE staff are motivated by the same end-goals.

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But only on the 4th of July or some other US holiday.... :wink:


I would likely use it. I already use Z-Wave associations. It is nice to have turning the lights on and off still work if the hub goes down for some reason.


It would be awesome to have an option field in the edit tile window to inject custom css class. This way you only have to setup the css once and then call the css class name in the option field.

That would bring dashboard customization to another level.

That’s why I use zwave modules behind real switches.

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