1 variable for 2 devices

I wish to use a single variable to control 2 devices in unison.
I currently use:
Turn On Light Mid Outback, Light Door Outback when PIR left back, PIR Right back Active

When its time to turn both off, it sometimes leaves one of them on. I would like to define both devices as a single one using a custom variable, hoping this may help.

Your exact usage isn't clear to be from your description, but in any case, variables do not control devices on their own, so you must have something setup to do that in response to some event (e.g., from a variable changing value). If you share more about that setup, someone could probably find possible improvements.

Alternatively, from what it sounds like you're asking, you might really be wanting something like the "Groups" feature or a Room Lighting activator (the latter is more powerful; the former is easier to set up). To look at Groups, look at the Groups and Scenes app, create a group with your two bulbs, dimmers, or switches, and then control your devices using the "activator" device that setting up a group will create. You can also adjust some options in the group app to make this behave differently if you are still having problems (e.g., if your individual devices do not reliably report on/off states, disable on/off optimization in the app).

You can create a similar setup yourself using variables or virtual devices manually created, plus a rule or few to keep things in sync, but I don't see a reason to start with anything that complicated.

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