1-button device issues

In the Room lighting app I have a room with a 1-button device, the Ikea Shortcut button.
If I use that as a ON and OFF activator, the light will briefly turn on, then off shortly after.
Even if I set the OFF setting from PUSHED, to DOUBLEPRESS or HELD, it still turn the light off.
The logs doesn't help all that much, apart from confirming the activation on both the ON and OFF activator.

I have used RM and a variable to circumvent the issue, but it seems like this shouldn't be happening.

Ever figure this out? I’m having the same issue

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No actually. I think this is a bug in the app itself.
Paging @bobbyD.

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Could you please post app settings and logs, so we can try to replicate?

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I don't have it setup at the moment, but I can have some info later in the evening.
Maybe @Mikeymike88 can supply the needed info.

But it functions like this:

  • Setup a room with a bulb and a one button device (maybe a multiple button device will work too?)
  • Set that one button as an ON activator and an OFF activator. (Hue Smart button, Ikea Shortcut, and the new Hue Dimmer Switch should work the same, I think)
  • When pushed the logs will state an ON activator and turn on the room lightning. Shortly after, without any further input, the logs will state the OFF activator and turn off the room.

I used a Ikea shortcut button paired to a Deconz instance, and used @martinez.mp3 Deconz driver.
The driver works as it should and doesn't report a double press. Confirmed this by watching the logs on the button.

Got some logs here for an example:

app:1192022-10-15 22:16:48.454infoActivating for Nat
app:1192022-10-15 22:16:48.449infoActivation Event: '📥🎛 - T-knap' pushed 1
app:1192022-10-15 22:16:46.809infooff: 📥💡 - Lidl Strip Tanya
app:1192022-10-15 22:16:46.718infooff: 📥💡 - LED strip Stephan
app:1192022-10-15 22:16:46.473infooff: 📥💡 - Lidl Mood
app:1192022-10-15 22:16:46.394infoTurn Off Event: '📥🎛 - T-knap' pushed 1
app:1192022-10-15 22:16:46.392infosetColorTemperature: 📥💡 - Lidl Strip Tanya, temp: 2500, level: 10
app:1192022-10-15 22:16:46.327infosetColorTemperature: 📥💡 - LED strip Stephan, temp: 2500, level: 10
app:1192022-10-15 22:16:46.264infosetColorTemperature: 📥💡 - Lidl Mood, temp: 2500, level: 2
app:1192022-10-15 22:16:46.209infoActivating for Nat
app:1192022-10-15 22:16:46.205infoActivation Event: '📥🎛 - T-knap' pushed 1


Hi Bobby.

Not to rush you or anything, but have you been able to take a look at this?
Do you need anything else?

are you sure its not a mesh/device issue.. i have seen button devices with bad connectivity resend the button press due to that issue. and the effect is as you describe turns on/off etc.

turn more logging on both the button/rule and athe device to see.

Pretty sure. I can solve the issue pretty easily, which rules your ideas out.
To circumvent the issue, I have setup a button rule which toggles a virtual switch.
I then use this switch as an activator within RL.
If the switch is on, the lights turn on. If the switch is off, the lights turn off.
This works, but it's a bit of a hack instead of using the button directly within RL.

As this works as expected, it can't be a bad button/connection.
I suspect that RL doesn't keep track on single button devices.
The ON command is the same as the OFF, but I don't want both at the same time. RL should have a switch behind the scenes, if the same button and action is selected in both on and off.

@akafester which driver you are using for your Lidl Mood light?

I've been trying some different things. At first I had it connected to a Deconz gateway. I used the CocoHue app to control it. A Hue gateway would be just as good I suspect.
But I've been looking at getting it to work natively. I stumped across some drivers on HPM that I will test when time allows it :sweat_smile:.
The problem is that hubitat doesn't natively support the XY color space.

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This could be probably overcome by simulation/translation between the different schemes.. I think I know where to look for such code samples.

When I have something ready, I will create a new thread and will ping you there.

There are plenty of code samples, Hubitat staff even has some stuff laying around, and there’s the Ikea RGBW driver which i believe has been renamed to Generic XY Light.
And the last one, seem to work fine. A bit slow, but working.

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