0/1-10V ZigBee + RF + Push Dimmer L1(WZ)


I bought this https://id.aliexpress.com/item/4001283226123.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.6a9c4ae0KpmRal&algo_pvid=97dac32a-c34d-4f97-ba7d-6a6f707a5f0b&algo_exp_id=97dac32a-c34d-4f97-ba7d-6a6f707a5f0b-0&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2210000015595941217%22%7D&pdp_pi=-1%3B178540.0%3B-1%3B-1%40salePrice%3BIDR%3Bsearch-mainSearch on aliexpress. I can ON/OFF but I can't dimmer. I can do Dimmer using @jonathanb Tuya Cloud. Is there a driver I can use directly without the Cloud?

Thank you


Try "Tuya Zigbee dimmer module" driver by Matt Hammond, which is available for installation from HPM. GitHub direct link is here.

Thank you @kkossev . Not working for me. Even I can't turn on/off

Please post your device Model and Manufacturer from the Data section


Martin's driver from here : [REQUEST] Dual 12v Dimmer WZ1 Tuya - #7 by kkossev will probably control On/Off, but will not provide dimming functionality... and will probably create 4 child devices.
So... seems like there is no suitable driver for this Tuya dimmer at this time.

Ok..Thank you @kkossev . I will use Tuya Cloud from @jonathanb

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This is the product I was going to buy. Does it not work with the General zigbee dimmer driver?

Unfortunately no

@putudhony88 can you make tests with the HE inbuilt Generic Zigbee Bulb driver and with the Advanced Zigbee Bulb driver?

Sorry @kkossev tomorrow I will try. because I don't use it.

Sorry @kkossev for late response, I've tried the drivers you mentioned. Both can control ON/OFF. But for dimmers not at all.

Putting the manual up for this device in case some driver evolves to work with it. Seems like the device is sold through a number of LED light suppliers.

Might be a good Zigbee alternative to the Z-Wave Zooz ZEN54 0-10V Dimmer

This device is supported in Z2M, but the code for the colors and dimming control is rather complicated .. :frowning:

Better, use a dimmer that is compatible with Hubitat - as the one posted by Rxich here.