Sunsa Wand - Simple Smart Blinds

Website is here:


Thanks! I'd been on their site but didn't find the video about the conversion for corded blinds...@sunsa said he had some pics as well. :slight_smile:

FYI - I'm looking for the process to convert corded blinds to use the Sunsa wand. That was what @Sunsa brought to my attention in another thread, and why I asked him/her to start this thread.

I don't see any video on the page you link to that shows how to convert a corded blind to use Sunsa.

Thanks, been there, nothing on the corded blinds conversion, all they have is how to use it w/blinds that have wands.

Very interesting, I've several applications but would want local control as well.

My bad... sorry about that. Missed the "corded" part completely :frowning_face:

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I've never made a mistake or missed anything in something I've read in my entire life, but even so I will accept your apology.


I can't post images or links, my account is still under lock-down!

Put the link in w/out http, like below:

I'll repost it as a functioning link. :slight_smile:

OK, we got it - info/images posted above.

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So looking at the pics, it appears that the process is to remove the tilt control mechanism inside the blinds, regardless of what kind of blinds they are (wand or corded) and replace the stock tilt controll mecanism w/the Sunsa tilt controll, and then attach the Sunsa wand to the blind.

I hear everyone loud and clear on local API :slight_smile:

I will make sure we get to this!


Rivers of gold will be yours with local control.

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You got that right!

Boo. No thanks. As per my email to you previously, personally I won't buy anything from you unless you provide a local endpoint solution. I'm not going to be reliant on your cloud service which may dissappear next year. No thanks.

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Now now, be nice, no booing... :wink:

We just need to give them some time now to make it happen. :slight_smile:


I reserve the right to Boo like a spoilt child whenever I want to and throw all my toys out of my pram at any mention of Cloud APIs.


And I ask all vendors to do the growing up, not me ok :rofl:

Withings are yet another case. Their Cloud API sucks. Frankly I wish I'd never bought their junk and certainly won't buy any more.

/Booing (for now)

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Something about "pram" - always loved that word, it just sounds like such a proper, almost formal name for a baby buggy. :wink:

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Any update on this wand?

@leeonestop right now we are heads down getting Sunsa Wands out to our backers, we are still committed to getting local API in place!

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@Sunsa do you have any extra. I want to order one and try it. Thanks