ZWave repair broken?

I have been a regular user of ZWave repair which I run after changing nodes in my network. Today I ran it after adding a new device but it seems to be stuck in:

Stage: Mapping Network
Refreshing Node States

My network has grown some since I last ran this but it still under 50 devices (45 or so).

Any ideas what is going on?

Just an ordinary person here.
Have you tried doing the controlled shutdown/ power cycle thing,?

Don't do a full repair. Do an individual repair


Yes individual seems to work. So I did repair on suspicious few. Now the full repair seems to work.


Full repair is rarely recommended as it overwhelms the mesh.

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For goodness sake, this is totally not true.

I thought that it caused a lot of traffic.... That's why it's always recommended against.

Of course it generates a lot of traffic. Doing a repair effectively takes Z-Wave down for the duration of the repair, but that's always been the case. It's something that's done very infrequently.

@bravenel I have found a lot of z-wave "myths" as I would call them originate from the early C7 days when things were very fragile. Back then even staff was saying not to use the full repair.

But we do still find users who will be running that over and over again expecting it perform miracles. It seems to make things worse for a while if you are already in a very bad state. So we have to remind people to only use it as needed, not just for the heck of it.

IMO, probably not necessary, the z-wave radio will sort things out on its own naturally.

Agreed. I just do this when I add a new node or relocate something. Not clear to me how these self organizing mesh networks update their neighbors and hop tables. I assumed a repair would sort this all out.

I have 6 z-wave smoke detectors and one ring range extender. That is all I have z-wave. For months all the smoke detectors showed to be connected to both the hub and the ring range extender. Now it shows two of them to only be connected to the hub.. This is via the built in device map. They appear to be working ok. Should I run a repair or leave as is?

I assume the smoke detectors are battery devices? Repair won’t do anything for those.

You are correct. Thank you.