Zwave network broken. zwave repair broken

Is there anything I can do?

My Zwave network is gradually getting slower and slower, and attempts to repair it either take 20m per device, or fail completely. Several devices have fallen off the network, and a key device is no longer reporting properly.

I start zwave repair, it prints the first line, sys:12019-04-01 08:27:28.688 pm infoStarting Z-Wave Network Repair

and I never see anything else. Is there anything I can do? I seem to be totally dead in the water.

Tag @bobbyD and send a message to for case tracking.

I had my zwave radio completely stop working in my initial setup. Support recommended doing a "shutdown hub" and after the light turns red to unplug the power cord for at least 30 seconds to do a power cycle plug it back in and check to see if it's better (it fixed my issue).....if that doesn't work,

I worked it out. Rolled the platform ver. back to, then shutoff zwave poller and was able to do the z-wave rebuild and add back my removed device.

The rebuild might work just by shutting down the poller with no rollback too, but I'm happy enough with so I'm going to stay there for a while.