zWave GE switch fried

I've had very similar problems, as GE/Jasco devices are getting older, and caps are going bad when power is re-applied (mine also failed on a power failure) - You get the "dreaded blinking blue lite" on the switch.

There are numerous threads on YT on how to repair/replace the cap, and it's fairly striaght forward, but does require soldering. See: - I just bailed and moved to a Leviton Matter Wifi switch. But I'm starting to reduce my Z-wave footprint, where that's feasible, for failed or problematic devices

But to directly answer your question, of how to get this "dead device" off your Z-Wave mesh - It's basically a ghost, and requires the Z-Stick dance with the Si Simplicity software to force it into a failed state - One of the detailed threads is: How To: Remove Z-Wave Ghosts (including using a UZB Stick)

Good Luck!