There are two new drivers that folks might want to try out if they have compatable devices, they are:
Generic zwave central scene switch and
Generic zwave central scene dimmer.
It you have devices that work correctly with these drivers, please post the fingerprints here so I can get them added in.
These drivers include pushed, held, and doubletapped button events, allowing them to be used as button controllers.
Central scene capable devices will have 0x5B somewhere in their inCluster list.
This GoControl 3way switch seems to work with the Dimmer driver!
- deviceType: 22356
- inClusters: 0x5E,0x5B,0x86,0x72,0x73,0x5A,0x85,0x59,0x70,0x7A
- outClusters: 0x5B
- deviceId: 13616
- manufacturer: 335
I need to setup rules to turn lights on/off using this as a switch, and I still haven't determined how to use it as a dimmer, so any thoughts on that would be helpful. Alternatively, it would be nice to have the setting to associate it to other zwave devices to simplify the process.
Disregard my question around dimming... I used the Button Controller app, and while it was tedious setting up each button for tap, hold, double tap, and release, it works!
The company model number for what I listed about is WT00Z5-1, by the way. It's the Z-Wave plus version of the WT00Z-1. They don't carry a load, but are great switches to handle smart bulbs or 3-ways for smart switches.
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