Zwave Blinds and Google Home through Hubitat - Problem with setPosition=100

Newbie user here, bought into the ecosystem specifically to link my Smartwings zWave blinds into Google Home.

Currently have completed the community Google Home Integration and can control my blinds through the Google App, however, I'm running into an issue that I'm uncertain how to solve. Through the google app, there is a button to control each blind with a slider to set values between 0 (closed) and 100 (open). The slider % functionality and the Closed functionality work great, however, the Open functionality is not functional. My best understanding after doing some troubleshooting is that the Open command is sending a setPosition=100, which doesn't seem to work with the Smartwings blinds as if I do it manually through the Hubitat interface (setPostition=100), the blinds are similarly unresponsive.

Is there a workaround for this? I'm currently looking for a way to change any setPosition=100 to setPosition=99, but am struggling to do this (is Rule Machine the right way to do this?). Open to any thoughts, pointers or suggestions.

C8 Pro running

What driver are you using for this? Z-Wave level goes up to 99 per spec, not 100, but the built-in driver looks like it converts 100 to 99 for you (as many Z-Wave drivers do to make things easy), so I don't see why you'd be having problems -- but if you're using a different driver that doesn't do this, that could be one issue.

I'm using the default driver that is applied when you add a Smartwings Z-Wave Shade to Hubitat. Image below shows that its allows 0-100 for the shade control setPosition

Can you get the actual driver name? (This is "Type" on the device detail page.) Also note whether it appears under the "System" or "User" section.

The driver selected on inclusion may differ based on the drivers installed on your hub and the exact "fingerprint" of the device, and the above is the way to know for sure.

This is the standard Hubitat command (and, indeed, the values it should allow). But it's the drivers job to "translate" this to Z-Wave. The goal here is to figure out what driver and how it's doing that, and what might be tripping things up for 100 (which is indeed a special case for Z-Wave but something most drivers handle for you).

I believe the driver name is Smartwings Z-Wave Shade which falls under the System section

That is odd, as there a line in that driver that specifically converts anything over 99 (including 100) to 99. If you enable debug logging, is there anything unexpected in the logs?

Also, leave Google Home and any dashboard out of the picture for a moment and try the "Set Position" command directly from the device detail page to rule out any app-specific problems that are possibly unrelated to the device or driver.

Using the Hubitat Dashboard I set the blinds using setPosition to 90, then 100, then 95 and obtained the following results. Note that the setPosition=100 didn't move the blinds at all.

What about this?

This is the page you're referring to correct? The logs above were the result of inputting commands onto this page

Yep! I really can't understand why that is happening. There's a line in the driver (after the debug log line) that caps any value over 99 off at 99. You are on the latest platform version, right? (Though I don't see any recent changes in any case...)

More reports of same issue:

@thebryanchoy You could try using my ZEN53 driver and see if that make a difference. It will warn you that it an unknown device but wont hurt anything. It should otherwise work for any sort of z-wave shades if they use the standard commands.

-- [DRIVER] Zooz ZEN53 DC Motor Controller (for shades)

Wait, I see a typo that would prevent this from actually doing anything.

Fix incoming. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for finding the driver issue. Let me know when the fix has been committed and I'll run a test. (will i have to do anything to get the latest driver, or does that happen automagically?)

It will come as part of a future platform update (likely the next 2.3.9 hotfix if there is one).

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It works! Thanks so much for your help @bertabcd1234!


The fix is working for individual shades but it doesn't seem to work with the Room Lighting activator for a group of shades (2). 99 works but not 100.

Did you previously have the exact problem noted above (using the specific device and driver)? This sounds like a different problem. As far as I can tell, Room Lighting activators just send exactly whatever you pass on to the device (even if a level/position is out of range, etc.). If or how the individual devices report back (and, with the exception of Zigbee group messaging, what they do in response to the command itself) would be up to their driver, so that's where I'd look first. What is that driver?